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r/MusicBattlestations325.2K subscribers11 active
A Reminder About How This Sub Operates

We get a ton of spam. As a result, all posts are held for moderation until they are reviewed. I review and approve posts 3-5 times a day. If your post doesn't show up immediately, be patient.

Also: I've been allowing most questions posts because regular subscribers here are helpful and have not complained, but we are getting a lot of them right now, and most are asking the same question over and over again. I may start weeding out the vague and generic questions if the person doesn't come with some pointed ideas (and ideally some photos of their space) about what they need from us.

Pinnedby pianothermsModerator
Ideas on how to make a sliding long tray out for my computer keyboard and mouse under piano stand

Hi community,

Online, I can see countless videos of making slide-out trays under the table ( where you can drill holes under table)
In this case, I cannot drill holes in the piano, so I am looking for help on how to make a slide-out tray using the sides.

Pictures with dimensions of where I am thinking of having a long slide-out tray -

My Piano Stand - KSC 70

[STAND UP DESKS FOR KEYBOARDS] Do stand up desks work for you for getting optimal height for piano on a desk?

I just bought a simple Casiotone CT-S1. Probably a temporary piano keyboard for now but I noticed that using the keyboard on the desk isn't the most comfortable.

Though I noticed that I like it being in front of my typing keyboard. (I'm thinking that I won't like it being on the side or on a drawer). I want it as close as possible basically.

I do 90% typing keyboard and 10% piano keyboard at max.

Any one did trials on a standing desk (automatic with motor) while using a piano keyboard.
