Look up, really really hard and hood your eyelids a little. Pretend you're trying to see your brain.

All I gotta say is that first pull move into that bicep curl was pretty sick.

'17 HD Dyna Low Rider S

Riding is an inherently dangerous activity. We do what we can to mitigate the risk by getting proper training and education, wearing suitable PPE, and riding as though everyone else were trying to kill us, but even in a car you can never eliminate 100% of the risk. It's a calculated risk we take every time we get on the bike. But it's a risk we accept because we love to ride. All that aside, you're an adult. What you do with your money is your business. But they'd be well within their rights to kick you out for violating the rules they set forth. So if that's what they've put down just wait to move out and get your own. In the mean time start saving towards the purchase of the bike you want.

Congratulations, you played yourself, another one.

My heart breaks for you. Your daughter has terrible taste

Jesus... he was the president more than thirty years ago and he's still younger than the two currently running.

My mom was once a black, male, Special Forces Major according to her records. She was and always had been a white, female, enlisted nurse up to that point.

Do what your rank and paycheck can handle.

Hunt. Drink. Fight. Fish. Rodeos. Muddin'. Ride ATVs/ dirt bikes. Sports.

You get out what you put in. Basic is ten weeks of bullshit and suffering, but you'll make some lifelong friends when you embrace the suck together. It will be hard to believe when you're there, but the DSes by and large want to see you succeed. You're going to get smoked over dumb shit. You're going to get smoked over shit you had nothing to do with. This is because sometimes there isn't any training scheduled to fill the time, and idle hands are the devil's playground, and they've got ten weeks to turn you from lazy soft civilians to relatively lean, fit Soldiers. Just play the game, keep your head down, and keep moving forward. The fastest way is through.

I think the one that really got me was the kid getting crushed by a pane of glass. Literally just exploded underneath it

Kim Coates is an incredible actor, really doesn't get enough credit

You're in Germany. Hop on a train and go to France or the Netherlands, or Switzerland, or Italy or some other part of Germany.

'17 HD Dyna Low Rider S

Only if you're going to say "Ciaaao!" Everywhere you go.

Nah, in 100 years they'll be too busy fighting over water to give a shit what we were doing.

He also landed an absolutely huge deal as the new spokesman for US Army marketing which was immediately shitcanned as soon as the allegations about him surfaced

Tony Hinchcliffe is an absolute viper on stage, but by all accounts I've heard thus far he's a total sweetheart when he's not working