I'm 19 years old and I really wanted to stay at home for the next few years while i'm at university. I brought up the idea of getting a motorcycle and they know i've always been interested in anything motorsports but they shut it down immediately, they said there is absolutely no chance if your under this roof can you buy one. I told them I would start on a low cc bike full gear etc, still no budge, even said I won't ride after sundown and you can have me on life 360 to keep tabs on me riding, nope. I get the worry and all and my dad gave me the talk and he said how they would mourn me and have to live with that forever if I died, he called motorcycles a "temporary citizens device" lol. By the way coming from someone with a motorsports backround mainly cars but rode motorcycles for many years and occasionally rides on his mates CBR1100XX super black bird. Obviously I'm not thinking posting this on reddit is gonna change there mind but how true are they really. Of course motorcycles are ten fold more dangerous than cars but how bad are they really, I live in a reasonably quiet town in australia and don't wish to take the bike into the city where I feel like is the most dangerous, mainly for commuting to and from the gym, (10 mins away) where I might pass like 30 cars on the way there. Only other place I would ride would be my towns back roads where it's pretty uncommon to see more than like a car every 5 minutes. How dangerous are they REALLY, I would like to say I would be pretty responsible on one and I think i'm a reasonably smart person and wouldn't do anything stupid, thanks.