i saw himmm, i wanted to adopt him but when i went back he was gone and i haven’t seen him since💔

having your guard up outside, plus if you go outside to smoke and then clean up and go inside, that’s extra work and moving around so that could be a reason, im definitely higher when i’m relaxing and not moving around

the red is pretty and i really love the blonde in the second pic, the white hair suits you but i think it washes your skin tone out a bit, i feel like you would look killer with black or just a dark color like a dark red/maroon look!

bright orange or purple and black split dye

clem, molly, conrad, nick, aasim, marianna, javier, luke

not the best bunch, but it could definitely be worse lmao

i did in the beginning, but his relationship w missy and his character development>>>>, i love him now

studies and testing for it didn’t exist, we didn’t know what it was, just like how people say “gravity didn’t exist until…” so what people were just floating around before then???

no i completely get i what you’re saying, no need to apologize, it was supposed to come off more as like a flashback rather than an actual talking scene but ik now from everyone that’s not really coming off how i intended it to so there’s definitely a lot i have to tweak, thank you!

i’m getting a feel for the story because i’m coming up with it as i go, i apologize if you took that the wrong way, and this isn’t even a full chapter, this is the beginning to chapter one, i didn’t post the full thing because i simply didn’t want to? the beginning and how i started the story is simply what i wanted criticism on.

thank you!! that was actually very helpful, yeah i need to fix a few of the emotions and delve into them deeper for it being such a traumatic experience

it’s not her son, but i get what you’re saying, this isn’t it happening, it’s a short flashback to the event that will be delved into dealer but i 100% understand what you mean and see where i need to add things and take away a few things

i’ve written multiple chapters of this story? so when is it acceptable to post and get critique???

i’m not looking for validation, i don’t want people to tell me what’s good about it, i want people to tell me what’s absolutely awful about it, and i was mainly looking for criticisms on the story plot itself not the writing specifically

yeah i’m a sucker for synonyms and being too descriptive at points, ty🙌🏻

ty!! i’m trying to get better at it😭 ty for the resource

i’m kinda just getting an idea of the story and wanted output, im not not happy with it, but i’m also not happy with it yk, nothing wrong a getting constructive criticism early on before i continue working

thoughts on my first paragraph?nsfw

it’s a REALLY rough first draft, and i used some website to fix my grammar (i use commas way too much😭 very bad at punctuation) and i just wanted some thoughts or critiques , be as mean or nice as you want and tell me what you would change or even what you would add to it! (it’s abt a girl who found her brother dead two years ago, but they couldn’t find his killer, and she obsesses over it, and two years later her parents force her into therapy about it and it starts in the middle of her first session) TW: Blood/Death‼️‼️‼️

I entered my kitchen, a routine Wednesday afternoon shrouded in rain, the neighboring building casting oppressive shadows that swallowed any form of light. My gaze fell upon him, the boy I had raised, sprawled on the floor. Collapsing to my knees, an emptiness consumed me. As I sat amidst the cold hardness of the floor, his blood covered the pristine white marble,turning it a deep, unsettling crimson. The fire within me turned to ice, a chilling realization gripping my thoughts.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday. I think about it a lot—how I felt, what he looked like, the feeling that swallowed me whole."

"That must be hard for you," she said, her grip tightening on the pen. Across the table, her expression wavered between anxiety and pity. I wouldn't blame her; I'd pity me too.

"It is. They say every day gets easier, but they're full of it."

"Well, grief is a process. It's not always linear," she offered, her words clipped. The room hung heavy with an awkward silence, a tension I despised

if jules and maddy from euphoria had a baby fr