As a country kid I literally needed to so it was never a choice

I understand that crops are damaged when you drive on them in rl but they don't just disappear but the damage is minimal to the point of near negligence

As I have collected that recently it's half way up a cliff in the pond side

It happened awhile ago they fixed it now it's back

So true 1 playthrough had Me farming them nex minnit dima comes at me with like 400 men nearly wipes me she somehow keeps coming back with teir 5-6 units lmao

American graffiti. Lol it's definitely not what people think when they read the title

Not having stairs to the room will cause it to fail to spawn aswell for example four foundations above the ground you can't walk on with no walls or doors and no stairs will fail

Thristy liquor beer , only beer I've ever spewed tasted better coming up then going down

I dare you to reread your post once you've completed the story then write a post how you feeling lmfao

I mean you got an interview better than I have got

This is satire this is satire this is satire fir the love of which ever imaginary freind deemed fit let this be satire

Lmg You don't like cool armour with random bones sticks and feathers slapped on it making it then look like a group of adhd 5 year Olds arts and crafts project 0.o

I pretty much just use exotic feasts I think it's called for everything

I used to live in a place where in 10 kms of driving you'd pass 6 houses

There's a difference to pulling 50 ton at 100 kmph with 400 hp and pulling 5 ton at 50 kmph with 400 hp

You call them butter knights what does that make your army lmao