Fair point. And I guess I just think he'll be better next season and beyond because it's laine, but to your point, should i believe that? I think he's a hell of an offensive talent. He's not a two way center that CBJ tried to turn him into. I'd really like to see him in a good locker room (not Winnipeg), and someone use him as a shooting winger. I think he's like a Debrincat type if they were to use him that way.

So you think a middle 1st unknown prospect and bergs will be a better future assets than Laine? Personally, I don't think there's a chance this would be accepted but I don't why youre so sure you'd rather have the wings assets in that trade.

I mean youd be asking them to retain 50% of 8.7. No way they let that go for husso who has 1 year left. And I'm only thinking CBJ because they need goalie help, could use a 1st, and laine wants out.

Geez I'm going through this right now and have been freaking out about everything I've requested, even with checking at every step. Bachelor party 3 day weekend with events totaled $530 per person, the tux rental is $270, the hotel night of is $200. So I'm asking $1,000 from my guys in the wedding party and it makes me super uncomfortable. No extra cost for our other 140 guest.

I thought his comments about how the pathers locker room actually likes each other was pretty telling. All those years of Dusty, kane, PLD, Trouba. It's easier to get a new coach in the short term than try to turn players into "team guys".

I agree they'll take a large percentage but 2/3s is high. With 29M in cap space you think they'll get 9.5M contracts? Let's say matching 8.5M x 8, so they'll still have 12M left while also adding 2-3 ELC on the roster.

If you have the cap space available, and depending on length and term, it absolutely can make sense to buyout contracts, especially with a growing cap in the forecast. They'll have another 10M in cap space next year, with even more ELC.

The Wings have TWO top 5 goalie prospects... the placeholders are fine, not like they're winning the cup in the next two years. Tell me you don't know what you're talking about, without telling me you don't know what you're talking about.

How has no one mentioned that that ball girl got SMOKED by that return. Took it like a champ

While I don't disagree with the majority here in terms of defacing history, too many of you completely miss the point. Their agenda is not to "tag" objects that pollute, but tagging objects society deems as important, with the message of it all means nothing if we don't stop climate change. Like when they attacked the Mona Lisa. I also believe none of their targets have actually been damaged, which is why they havent received anything more serious than trespassing. Agree or disagree, that's their message.

I love the photographer quickly springing into action. Those are the folks worth every penny

I've been pretty pleased watching the wings develop since 2019. Definitely miserable 2013-2019, as our sole goal was to continue to rob our future to sign another dusty vet to get us swept in the first round.

I get it's 49th but how in the hell is it only arizona who doesn't even exist anymore above us. Where is Doug from Buffalo??

I've never seen this sub be sensitive, but it does point out bullshit which is why you were down voted.

Yeah I listed 4 people who you were clearly talking about and why it's not an issue. I mean you're seriously calling a bottom pair guy making 3.4M overpaid on a non playoff team, when there is 29M in cap space lol. These guys are just placeholders until the prospects grow up, that's why it doesn't even matter and why they're on short contracts.

Let's look at the Avs. They still need to sign 5 forwards in their bottom 6 and 3 defenseman with $16M in cap space. So $2M each average? Mittelstat needs a big raise, along with drouin, jones, walker... Good luck buddy!

Like who specifically? Holl and chariot who have 2 season left? Compher and copp with 3 seasons? All who make less than $5M average. The highest paid player makes 8.7M... We need to re sign Seider and Raymond, but there's 29M in cap space. Also room to buyout those players in a year or two. What are you even talking about dawg?

Fuck that last CD that shits in my trash

Those last two albums didn't count, encore I was on drugs relapse I was flushing em out.

Perhaps I ran those accents into the ground.

That's just off the top of my head, I know there's a lot more, EM doesn't even like those albums.

I love how hockey fans are funny and laugh at their own missory. I browsed some football subs this year and it's toxic fans legitimately pissed off and arguing over post just like this.

I can't be the only one who thought the girl on the left was annoying. Like all of the mannerisms just get on my nerves, i feel like shes a cryer, not for me. I actually prefer the dressed down look because I feel like you're more down to earth, she seems like she'd rather have a good time than stress over little things, and an intelligent comedian poking fun at standards? Oh my!

The internet has messed me up so bad that I just KNOW some of those are 3D

I'm waiting on a reddit neckbeard to critique his swing

I keep seeing the hope that Tavares signs for 4-5M... where does this delusion come from? I've literally seen things like he's made enough money. Do you know who makes between 4-5M? The likes of foligno brothers, paval zacha. There isn't an agent in the world ( the guy who negotiates the contract...) that would let a FA asset like JT sign long term for 4-5M.

Everyone talks about loopholes, cheating, faking injuries, but no one ever talks about how actually injury prone their high paid talent is. Eichel is perpetually injured, he's played like 75% of the games his entire career. Mark stone is even worse! This is before they even made it to Vegas. We're not even talking about how stone looks like a shell of himself since back surgery and did you catch the "hit" that took him out of his last game? His back is FUCKED guys. Like honestly he might not start next season, the way he stiffened up, anyone over 30 knows how that's not a quick recovery. I feel bad for him because he's trying and only gets shit on.

I get down voted everytime I say this because it doesn't agree with the hivemind that "Vegas bad, Vegas cheat" Like if your strategy is to almost miss playoffs because your stars don't play enough games, then get bounced in the 1st rnd because there's no consistency in the lineup, be my guest.

Because ESPN switched broadcast and we all missed it

Yeah, instead of it being a "salary cap" call it a "take home pay cap". I'm spit ballin here, but that man had a good idea. I'll give it 2 seasons before Vegas learns to exploit it somehow

I don't agree with the OP because California and NY taxes are just as brutal and that didn't stop the ducks, kings, a close Rangers or sharks team.

Your idea though... I've never thought about it. I'd be lying if I didn't get salty about all the team friendly deals from no state tax like Florida, Texas, Nevada. This should be looked into.