So I just watched the comedy movie no hard feelings for the first time with my parents who have no idea that I’m autistic. And I had an idea of what the movie was about before going into it, but I had no idea that the main mail lead was playing an autistic character. The entire movie plays him off as an introvert, but every single trait that this character has is autism.

I would say it was very strange for me to watch it with my kind of dodgy I would say it was very strange for me to watch it with my kind of judgy Dad because he kept calling Dad because he kept calling him dorky, and it was really funny to me making the joke under my breath that I’m a little dorky too and so is my mom and brother and maybe he is a little inside.

But watching this with them has confirmed that I don’t think I could ever really tell them s has confirmed that I don’t think I could ever really tell them that I have autism and then I suspect my mom and brother do as well. I just don’t think it would be handled well and I really wanna keep my relationship with my parents as it is, it’s gotten so much better. I just wish I could tell them and that would go well, that’s not a possibility and that saddens me.