Oh weird lol.

Ahhhhhh fuck em.

Got that top shelf AND rail water.

Subway went from affordable and good, to expensive dog shit.

My ex moved out over a year ago. She still has keys to my house and garage. She still has things here that that she never came and got. Can I bring her to conciliation court for rent?

We broke up over ago, I have text evidence of me asking her to come get some of her stuff and leave the keys when she was leaving.

Just wanted to k ow if there was any grounds for legal action.

I was scared to throw anything away in fear of retaliation of trashing her property.

I know it been a long time, but I just wanted to be respectful all the way through the breakup.

Life long vikings fan.

I mentioned how bad Dalvin Cook was a few times and was temporarily banned.

But this is ok?

Sounds good.

Jesse Eisenberg.

He is always just a fast talking, little dweeb.

"We don't spit on the sandwiches"


I would be the person that just says, "no, thats ok. Can you please move?"

P.s. my girlfriend is one of those people, but in movie theatres. She's totally ok with just trying sitting in better seats and if someone comes to sit in them then will move. I tell her absolutely not every time. I know I know she's awful.

(Zero hate to gamers. I love Elden Ring)

Proof he NEVER knows what he is talking about. He just mouth vomits now.

The best thing anyone can do is just not buy tickets.

They don't need the money.


But..... she has really big glasses....

So she's smart.......


Ethan sucks, but I honestly think Hila is 10x worse.

She usually seems shitty on camera, I can't imagine what she's like when she's off camera.

You're dumb.

You deserve that.

Sam's face when it cuts to her made me realize I shouldn't watch H3 anymore.

She was the only one that acted appropriately.

I'm 33. Grew up with MySpace/Facebook.

I'm gonna sound like an old man, but I've hated it since college. Can't post a picture without someone getting upset about something, can't accept a friend request without someone questioning who or why.

Now snapchat. Ya can't be in romantic relationship with someone without them asking to know your exact location at all times.

Fuck iiiiiiiit.