One trip off the mountain in the helicopter will tell you to get it! Lol. I went with kandoo and it was required for that reason. And yes, we did see folks in need of the helicopter.

More open-minded people. Where I live, folks have a tendency to be a little cold.

I ended up with traveler's diarrhea. Water they filled our bladders with was ice iodine or chemical taste to it. Even thought it was to be treated. I would recommend taking the hot ginger water, and put in your water bottles at night and then fill your bladder with that in morning.

I live close to caledonia state park. AT goes through there. Would like to set up to take trash and have some goodies....

Let me know how I can help. Monday morning and Thursday mornings...I can help. Some weekends. AT about 25 min from my house. I ha e been saying for yrs I would like to help through hikers. This is the yr!!! Send me messages when you are near

Oh, if you have not tried to outer soft ring or reishi cooked...omg my favorite!!! I dry the rest of the mushrooms. Garlic, oil, salt and have got to try...delish

I love this question. I wish someone would have told me these things all those yrs ago! Have things in common, but not everything. The simple things mean the most. Help the other with tasks. Ask them how they are and how you can help them. Little kisses, touches, hugs go a long way. Talk in great detail about your goals in life. Find someone who can laugh, with you and at themselves. Talk, talk, kind, respect, and uplift each other.

No different than cooking on cast iron since it is cooked on griddle.

Glad the one who hit you tried to help. I hope you have a quick recovery, both physically and emotionally....for driver, emotionally as well. I can't even imagine.

I responded to their email yesterday. Said I was with them for years, but enough is enough. If they raise the rate, I will cancel. Got a return email today saying I will have a response to my email soon. Maybe if enough folks email, they won't do it. Doubt it...but who knows. There are other apps.

I responded to their email yesterday. Said I was with them for years, but enough is enough. If they raise the rate, I will cancel. Got a return email today saying I will have a response to my email soon. Maybe if enough folks email, they won't do it. Doubt it...but who knows. There are other apps.

The woods by me have tons of dead hemlock due to bug. So Reishi heaven

Soft outer ring...I cook with garlic salt and pepper. The rest I dehydrate for medical tea

Lucky you. I have never found any. One day...