I think I'd call feng min the OG, she was around longer and had the most skins when I was playing more frequently

And then it also depends on the version of superman and the when in the dragonball timeline you pluck up goku

I don't like the stealth gamer types that don't contribute, as either killer or survivor. She usually wears dark clothes and blends in more than most. If I see her, downing her is the priority

Just a difference in preference. Same reason sable's popular, but you don't like her. If I'm being real as far as Dbd originals goes, best might be vittoro.

And your saying those aren't mid?!?

I really liked going on hunts or bounty hunting when I was playing it. I don't think I touched the story very frequently

I mean alot of slasher films could be solved with let's shoot the problem. Alot even take place in America where there are more guns than people. I don't have a gun, but half the people I know have a few.

He might be trolling but he's not wrong. If you accidentally tunnel, there was no intent, so it's not a tunnel. Just bad luck for that one survivor

He also keeps a picture of Rebecca in athletic wear at his desk

I think people are misreading this. He said he knows now, but when he was younger he didn't, because he hadn't experienced it yet.

It probably just gets in the way of their preferred ship.

I liked him when he showed up to kill goblins. Aside from that moment he never wowed me. He doesn't even attempt to make his own choice aside from killing karlach, which isn't even his own choice. There isn't a point in time when he comes off as having autonomy. Every major choice in his story is dictated entirely by the player without any of his own input. So, yeah boring and half baked.

The emperor does make this request. You kill the guy after he pays you iirc.

Most nights, Lydia would enter my room and Mr x and I will be there in a few minutes. 0_0

Not to defend Delphine, fuck her. But, to be fair, that does sound funny

Earliest one that wasn't safe might be in re0 or re1make

Or re2make main room and Mr x. Or something with Lisa in re1make or I think a monkey in re0

I think there was usually 1 save room that wasn't safe in each game

Embrace it. If someone on the opponent team says you're bad, they're usually doing even worse. Tell them that you're still doing better than they are.