People who don't walk any faster than 5 centimetres per hour/stop suddenly in front of you.

People who step into my path when I'm in a hurry.

The scriptwriters for the Archers and their treatment of my name.

The entirety of Southend.

So what do you reckon is most likely from tomorrow onwards?

1) Return of lockdowns/restrictions 2) Enforced veganism 3) Having "maaaaate" screamed at you for having feelings for a woman

Neil would put a tick in the box next to the candidate he wants, and a cross in all the others. Then he'd sign his ballot paper.

There was this complete prick who would do no work whatsoever aside from the odd all-night session.

One morning, after one such session, he was sleeping in class and farted with such force it woke him up.

Could be worse, you could live in Southend.

A couple of modified ones.

"Oh hey, Percy Weasley, fuck off."

"See you next Tuesday with an emphasis on cunt"



"You are a boring f-star-star...cunt."

Still time to pledge that cyclists will get priority on motorways.

It isn't even your frozen baby. Property of A. L. Ryerson.

He overheard Murdoch expressing his fondness for deep-fried pizza.

He's come down with lumbago.

I think I can top that (sort of).

A couple of years ago I was travelling to Wales by train. Thanks to some Olympic sprinting and unbelievable good luck, I'd made my connection at Birmingham International at the last minute and bagged what would be a plum seat after the train reversed at Shrewsbury (forward facing, window, views of the coast).

As the train goes up the coast, the weather worsens, and by the time it reaches Fairbourne, it's tipping it down. A large group piles on, and one of them sits in the aisle seat opposite and immediately asks to swap seats. When another member of his group offers him a window, he replies (obviously referring to me), "No, I want his seat."

Fortunately they all got off at the next stop!

It's 12 for 7 items and 15 for 11.