Tin Cup is a pretty darn good movie, elevated by a perfect movie ending.

Correct. I saw a soon-to-be-releases movie at a test screening back in April.

On a possibility related note- if you have any interest in watching a certain sequel to a mid-90s action classic, keep your expectations firmly in check.

I started at the very bottom (at the time, in Master Control), then worked my way into Traffic, then into a role as a Production PA. After that, I never put down the camera.

I collect theatrical movie posters.

When I was a kid, I could only afford the promotional type posters you could buy off the shelf.

I’m a documentary filmmaker. I started working for a PBS affiliate 20 years ago and grew from there.

Best job in the world.

Because Battlefield Earth already used all of them.

In my experience- you don’t get early access. You show up, do the meet and greet/sound check, then are escorted out.

Right before the show begins, you’re escorted backstage again for the in-costume pic.

Disagree. I’ve had a blast & can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve seen your post on FB now as well. I’m sorry that you feel slighted, and you always have the option to call and speak to a Sgt. about it.

That said, there are certainly many problems in the world, and in Grand Forks. I have never once thought Ofc. Weibolt was one of them.

If I’m reading this correctly- he tagged & took the wrong kind of deer?

If that’s accurate, I suspect you’re doing your best to make this sound considerably more nefarious than it is.

So, I guess to answer your questions: yes, I knew about his past.

Yes, I am comfortable that he is in the role he currently is in.

And yes, I worked briefly at Domino’s years ago, and knew multiple drivers with prior (but never pending) DUI convictions.

None of this is a secret. Ofc.Wiebolt is extremely open about his past and has helped get others into treatment. He speaks from his own experiences.

Sorry that you have a problem with him. I’ve been proud to know him.

Source: I am a 911 dispatcher.

I like my pocket 6k as much as anyone, but still… there are a LOT of people making excuses here for not having a feature that’s pretty standard everywhere else.

Pink Floyd: The Wall.

I’m prepared to be disappointed for the 23rd straight year.

I was a documentary producer. Then a full time dispatcher for a few years before going back into producing.

I still enjoy dispatching on weekends. Once it is in your blood, it will always be there.

Michael Haneke. Not sure how he slipped under my radar.

I passed mine on Monday.

There were a LOT more sectional charts than I expected.

Do you have an extra coupon though? Asking for a friend.

I worked there right when Sinclair took it over. I don’t miss that place one bit.