That’s amazing work! As a guy with a few comic book tattoos, that definitely fits here! Great design and really beautiful execution! Congrats on that piece!

Of course! And he gets all kinds of girls. He doesn’t need to chase 14 year olds

If we’re going to go ahead and admit the fact that we were all wrong about dupee, can we all just acknowledge that David Schumacher was innocent bc…. Roleplayin’ chatroom!

And it’s time we leave Lorne alone! His first words to Chris about why he was there that he was never gonna do anything! What more prof do you need?

And ffs, can we just acknowledge how wrong it was to stalk John Kennelly while he getting something to eat!

Ben Foster is the most underrated actor working today. He’s played superheroes, wannabe vampires, soldiers, criminals, and William S. Burroughs. He’s never given a bad performance.

Giancarlo Esposito is getting typecast as Gus Fring, but was Buggin Out in do the right thing, which couldn’t be more different than his more current roles. He’s another guy who has never given a bad performance and anything he’s in is worth watching just bc he’s in it.

And I feel like I’ve mentioned him a dozen times in the past week, but Robert Englund is an amazing actor who got pigeonholed into horror roles because he was so great as Freddy Krueger. But if you want an example of his range, he was the sweet alien Willy in the mini series V which came out right before Nightmare on Elm Street. He had some character turns in the 70s and 80s and never once is he anything less than 100% real in any role he’s ever had.

I remember buying Siamese dream the day it came out, then listening to it laying by the pool. It will always feel like Summer to me.

I’ve worked in film and video for about 20 years at different levels, and it’s an accepted truth that an audience can accept a bad shot, but they won’t ever accept bad sound, and that good sound design adds as much to production value as anything you see in front of the camera. So this is spot on.

Once Upon a Time in the West. The opening scene is a master class in sound design.

I also think Boogie Nights is impressive in its use of music, which is the opposite of most films, which use swelling music cues to emphasize an emotional moment. Boogie Nights has pop music in the background throughout most of the movie, and when it wants to hit an emotional, life changing peak… silence. You don’t realize how powerful it is until it happens and it hits even harder bc of it.

And anything Ben Burtt has done.

People were never voting for Biden. They were voting against trunp. And if the debate hurt Biden, every election we’ve had since 2020 sure looks like trunp has lost a significant portion of his base as well. Make the election about trunp and you win. And let’s not act like trunp didn’t provide fodder for ads too. Removed from the comparison to Biden looking old, trunp sounded like a lunatic. So let’s not act like trunp had some impressive showing and did anything to broaden his base.

I’m not sure how much this hurts Biden bc I’m not sure he was ever that much of a factor. Thrre certainly seems to be a base of anti trunpers that is just as big as the cult and by all accounts probably bigger. Nothing Biden does, including falling into a coma, will stop those people from voting against trunp. If Biden wants to leave the race, then it’s his decision and we’ll go from there, but if he’s in, there’s no choice but to support him. We’ve all known this since he got nominated before 2020 and literally nothing has changed. I really don’t even know how many people are persuadable at this point, but if Biden looked and sounded awful, and he did, trunp didn’t change anyone’s mind either.

So that’s the silver lining. We keep underestimating the voters and it certainly seems like a majority see trunp as a big enough threat that they’re showing up and voting against him. Let’s not pretend anyone was ever that excited about Joe Biden. His biggest strength is that he’s not trunp, and trunp is even more damaged now than he was in 2020. And if you didn’t notice, Biden had a HUGE fundraising bump AFTER the debate. That tells me that people are committed to beating trunp, and that has made me feel better since Thursday

The opinion of anyone who thinks trunp has any admirable qualities whatsoever is worthless. Check your tea for polonium, comrade.

When you’ve triggered the Russian trolls and they have to come here and spread their bullshit, you must be doing something right.

I’ve dated three. Nothing particularly serious, but it was interesting. All three had similar issues that were very obviously on the surface. They were all really slow to open up and get vulnerable at all. They all had pretty bad substance issues and clearly were dealing with some kind of trauma in their background.

Their love language was sex, not surprisingly. Thats how they said thank you for even the smallest favor. And that kind of “transactional” sex was a lot more over the top and “flamboyant”, for lack of a better word, than when we were just having “normal” sex, which was more focused on taking care of the urge. There was a lot of sex. It was just how they showed affection.

Lots of drugs too. They always had drugs and could get anything they wanted. I’m not a psychiatrist but it certainly seemed like they were dealing with a lot of stuff. (Shocking!)

I went into all of them just assuming they would be casual, and they were. There aren’t any real horror stories. I never expected anything serious and it was mostly about what I expected. No big breakup stories or acrimony. We were never exclusive and eventually we just kind of drifted out of touch. No hard feelings for any of them.

One of them is still on the business as an actress. One got behind the camera and one left entirely and married a millionaire and lives in LV. The latter two seem to have gotten better, hopefully. The one still in the business doesn’t seem to have changed, but I haven’t talked to her in a while so I hope she has gotten some help as well. On the whole it was interesting, and they were all really sweet people at heart who were dealing with a lot of shit. I sincerely wish them all well.

Honestly, if someone slapped my kid my reaction would be to get pissed. Even if they were wrong, that would just be my natural reaction. Hopefully once the dust settles they’ll be able to see that he was wrong. But regardless, you weren’t out of line at all. There are consequences to acting like an AH and the kid learned that today. If the parents don’t handle it like they should once they got home, hoped your reaction was the lesson he needed. NTA.

I was making the case that it was a room temperature ham sandwich with mayo vs a plate of horseshit, but I kind of like yours better

This may be the single stupidest rationale for trying to convince people not to vote so your idiot pig god has a better chance I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard a shit ton of stupid shit from magats.

I’m curious.. do you and the other trolls get your stupid talking points directly from Putin? Or is there a discord server where you copy and paste that idiotic bullshit? Whatever, you’d better check your tea for polonium, comrade.

What was the goal when they “bumped the podium?” Why were they there? What were they hoping to accomplish?

They had no grievance. The least popular president in history got his fat orange ass kicked, and he’s not man enough to admit he lost.

And andrew Jackson. He actually got to carry out an ethnic cleansing. trunp regrets he never had that chance

“Pedophile” is to them just one of those words they can scream at you when you’re winning an argument with them. They just yell that and then if you object then you’re “defending pedophiles.” It replaced antifa,,socialist, communist etc as magic words they can yell when you’ve destroyed their position. They might have a slightly better grasp on what it means than the other magic words, but just like them they don’t have any proof. It’s just a straw man

The game would have been unfair. He would have scored on every play and if he didn’t then that play was rigged

Hey everyone! An 11 post account made today has been triggered! We must be doing something right!

Make sure and check your tea for polonium, comrade.

You must be saying something true because you seem to have triggered one of the Russian trolls. I wonder if they get their stupid talking points directly from Putin or if there’s a discord server where they copy and paste that idiotic shit. Regardless, just block that 11 post account.

And maybe he should check his tea for polonium.