He hasn't stopped

On December 26, 2023, West left a post on Instagram in Hebrew, where he apologized for the antisemitic comments he made. On January 19, 2024, he appeared in an Instagram post with fellow rapper JPEGMAFIA wearing a shirt featuring neo-Nazi musician Varg Vikernes. A month later, he complained of his children being in a "fake school" run by "the system", adding that "At this point everybody knows what 'the system' is code word for."


Dude had a full-face mask in that interview, so there's no way to tell whether he had a straight face.

Image: https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/kanye_on_infowars-700px.jpg 

He didn’t kill six million Jews. That’s just factually incorrect. The Holocaust is not what happened. Let’s look at the facts of that. Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities.

—Kanye West, in the same interview

The real question is whether they are still able to lactate.

It's either out now, or out in a few months' time.

I assume he wants an extended holiday before the kids go off to school in September, and he strolls into whatever job he has lined up next.

Alternative headline:

Leopards eat man's face, provide no compensation

15-20% apparently, which is still too high a percentage. It'll be interesting to see if any of their abhorrent behaviour actually makes a dent in their support on 4th July.

Same here, my ideal outside temperature is 5–10°C.

I really start to dislike it above 20°C, and when it almost hit 40°C in July 2022 I just wanted to die.

Fingers crossed the hag loses her seat in 8 days' time. I know the predictions lean Tory for that constituency, but it's nice to dream.

In other words, someone accurately described her on a recent trip to the supermarket.

Because Assange was resistant to setting foot in the continental U.S. for his guilty plea, and the Northern Marianas are much closer to his home country of Australia than most other U.S. territory.

I got a promotional fare for £3.20 in January 2023.

It does. If you scroll to the middle of the infobox for modern-day Algeria, there's a section called "formation" which lists (some) historical states.

£8 for a 72-pack seems to be the standard price. It's the same on the Sainsbury's website, for example.

53 seats was a prediction from one MRP poll. Taking other polls into account, predictions for the number of Tory seats have ranged from 53 to 155.

Regardless, anywhere in that range would be a record low. The Tories' all-time low up to this point was 156 seats back in 1906.

He is smiling because the FSB knows where his family lives.

OP advocated for killing repeat offenders who committed violent crimes, and in doing so broke Reddit's rules on violent content.
