Isn't this against the law? Creating your own currency?

Did she cancel it because she figured out that she's not funny? Because the rest of us figured it out a while ago....

It did for me. Love my Model 3 when it's not trying to kill me with slamming on the brakes, but my next car won't be a Tesla.

Nathan's. Proud sponsor of My 600 Pound Life.


I suppose you could become an attention grabbing douche canoe like this kid. I mean, everybody's got options. That said...I don't know too many Philosophy Lawyers.

What a glorious flushing of turds that would be. Just whooooosh....bye to people who prey on the vulnerable. Off to prison.

Let's play a game of "Rapper or Star Wars Character!"

Which Ted "Zodiac Killer" will immediately sell to Crypto miners while screaming about how awful Biden is. Love living in Texas... sigh.

BPM6k Pro for my head on shots, 4K for overhead, and am working on adding OBSBot 4Ks PTZs for angles.

"I've got a golden ticket..." - Charlie

"It's ours Charlie, ours to sell!" - Grandpa "Coke Nail" Joe


It isn't. These unelected assholes are above the law with almost no checks and balances that actually work, and the public is the LAST thing on their mind. The Republicans have them on speed dial for every lil thing they'd like to destroy, and it's working PRECISELY as designed.

Edit: I see ze Komrades are out with the downvotes. Prove me wrong.

Please reduce your fractions, sir or ma'am. We aren't animals around here.

So, explain to me why this isn't being projected on the side of (insert building -- his house, the side of the SCROTUS building, Plump Tower, whatever) and with a volume that runs directly against whatever the maximum the law allows, with the whole thing on repeat? Just a super cut of all of these worthless fuckers who lied on their job application, non-stop, max volume, PERMANENTLY. The same with every channel -- supercut ad, the lies, over and over? Add in McConman saying the same thing. "THEY'RE LYING TO YOU!"

Why is it that the Dems are so busy reading the goddamned rule book that they don't even see the ball sail overhead? How are the so COMICALLY bad at this?!

That's before Law and Order premiered, to put it in perspective. The FIRST one, not the spinoffs!

Tools to print more tools? This is the Way.

Saturn 2, Saturn 3 Ultra, Saturn 4, Jupiter SE

I leave em at least overnight. I've never had a print have a problem with paint adhesion, curing inside, or exploding later. Shrug. Just what's worked for me.

Loaded question -- which Ridley, exactly? Plenty of versions to choose from...

Saturn 2, Saturn 3 Ultra, Saturn 4, Jupiter SE

Wash the model in your horrible gross IPA...then wash it in a far, far, FAR cleaner IPA. Then let it SIT for 24 hours to outvent any additional vapors or whatever. Then cure it.

Ehhh.....the "Democrats need to fall in love, Republicans just fall in line" holds true though. The reason to show up was "How about we don't lose all our rights, eh?" in this case.

Sigh. Just wave me through the gate, you high-speed, low frequency peanut.

Oh you sweet summer child. Yes. Of course it does. It vaguely identifies the "other" as anything they want it to be at the time, and with enough flexibility to change it at will. Whomever the Religious Reich hates at the time gets the designation, and that'll shift as easily as the wind. Gay, Bi, Trans, people who like porn, people who want a divorce, foreigners, whatever they can possibly imagine.

In short -- yes. No rules.