That’s why I can’t listen to it. Imagining someone I love with someone else is far too heartbreaking.

This is one of those songs that I love to play, but recognize the absolute moral wrongness of the lyrics.

Enjoy the art, but don’t use it as any kind of guidepost in life.

In my 33 years of life, my flight in Doc’s cockpit is one of the greatest moments of it so far.

I often find myself looking at the video I took, reminiscing about the day I flew aboard a B-29.

I recommend saving up and making it happen. It’s worth every penny, I promise you. And you can use it as a tax write off because Doc is technically a charity. So you’re making a charitable donation. 😉

:c48b: Johnson

Man. His Baja Blast scheme still goes hard.

One of my favorite diecast that I own.

Isn’t that a B-52?

(/s-Better Call Saul joke).

I love how Fifi and Doc are different. Fifi isn’t polished like Doc is, and I love it.

I just need to fly in Fifi’s cockpit one day and complete my B-29 cockpit flights. I flew in Doc’s last year.

Really couldn’t get into it.

I don’t know why. I’ve watched it a dozen times (I work in mental health and have a client who likes to watch it) and tried to really find the core of what makes it good.

I just couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t bring myself to like it. Just wasn’t my thing, I suppose. Plenty of movies that I do enjoy, so that’s not necessarily a mark against it.

It’s crazy to think about the fact that we had not only the best aircraft of the War, but we also had the ability to produce them faster than the enemy could shoot them down.

For every Corsair/Hellcat/Avenger shot down, literally 10 more were ready to take its place. And flown by a skilled pilot who was well-trained back home.

All good! Now go see one in person. Her sheer size will blow your mind.

A plane so cool that the president named it.

She was supposed to be called the “RS-71”, but LBJ made a gaffe and read the name as “SR-71”

Lockheed (wisely, IMO) realized that correcting the president on such an issue would be unwise, so “SR-71” stuck.

The Convair B-36 Peacemaker.

Is there some forced perspective here, or is this photo accurate?

I know it’s from an airshow, and that it’s a real photo, but is the FW-190 really that much smaller than the Jug?

JW Pepper wouldn’t have worked unless the actor fully committed to the bit.

He absolutely did and it was fantastic.

Agreed. I’m not a fan of massive, altar-like monuments for politicians, but Lincoln absolutely deserves his.

One of my former college classmates was given this choice-jail or Navy.

He said that the judge saved his life by doing that. He was an absolute burnout who would’ve been dead by 21.

He instead served 25 years in the Navy and was on the Carl Vinson during 9/11. I went over to his house to study and saw his shadow box with all of his accomplishments. Angelo was beyond proud of what he had done in the Navy and he won “Sailor of the Year” once and it was a huge deal for him.

We like to joke about judges who did that, but in the case of my friend it literally saved his life.

Also, it’s a very small community, so if you are someone who blabs, you’re not getting another job in a very small but lucrative field.

:c48b: Johnson

Nah. Knowing John he’s got another title in him.

He isn’t done.

That’s a horrible move from Max. If he would’ve held his line and forced Lando to take the long way round, that’s one thing. But this is completely different.

I don’t have his handle, but the captain of the Ike posts on Twitter often and this was something he did one day. Literally posting on Twitter while under attack and his air group was handling it.

:c48b: Johnson

He knew he couldn’t keep Larson long-term.

It was clear that Larson was outdriving the cars that Chip was able to build and short of his cars matching Hendrick/Gibbs in terms of pace, Chip knew it was only a matter of time before Larson moved on and started winning everything elsewhere.

:c48b: Johnson

That’s my favorite tidbit of the whole story right there.

The ultimate measure of our power to me is that the captain of the Ike was bringing sailors up and letting them sit in his chair, giving them a cookie and talk to their families…while they’re being attacked.

That’s power right there. When an enemy is attacking you, but you’re so unbothered and thriving that you let an enlisted sailor sit in your chair and call his family while eating a cookie and absolutely ending your enemy’s day.

You dropped THE SUN on Japan…TWICE?! In THREE DAYS?!