If you and I own a pizza and I eat a slice, it isn’t stealing.

If you and I have a joint account and I spend money we haven’t agreed on, that is not stealing. It is quite literally not stealing.

By your logic. If we had a joint account, and I said, don’t buy any more furniture. You decided to buy more furniture anyway. We went to court to divorce. Do you think I’d be entitled to getting all that money back?

Disagreement does not mean inaction.

He didn’t steal anything. It’s his baby as well. In a divorce, those ashes would be (will be?) split 50/50 if neither agrees to give them up. This is legal precedent.

I get so annoyed by this assumption that somehow the baby belongs to the mother more than the father. We want to have secure footing in the belief of gender equality, then it’s not possible to cling onto entitlement to the privileges of maternal gender roles, while also expecting equal footing in areas of underprivilege. Logic that ends with “because she’s the mother” opens up many other things that end the same way.

They wouldn’t love hearing that ashes from cremation are mixed with the residues of all the other bodies that were in the cremation chamber before them.

“We can’t beat him at the polls cast by people, so we should make the government stop him instead.”

“He stumbled on some words for the first 20 minutes or so” is about the same level of delusional cope as “mostly peaceful protests.”

Russia had already taken Crimea and the intelligence/diplomatic community already knew that his intent was to take more. This makes no sense.

No, Trump lied more. But how can we sit here saying, “at least Biden told the truth!” when he was also full of shit?

The problem is that they both lied prolifically, but Trump did so while looking like a normally functioning human, while Biden came across as a man far too fragile and senile to be president.

Biden lied about his endorsement by the border patrol, about him reducing illegal immigration, about the coverage and cost of Medicaid drugs under his tenure, about the inflation under his tenure, about having no military losses, about the “fine people” thing in Charlottesville, about the tax rate paid by billionaires, the list goes on.

The rationalization in this sub and thread that “he has a stutter and at least he told the truth” is the epitome of delusional coping. As is the idea that he did anything more than completely destroy his party’s chances of winning, yet he continues to resist stepping down.

Why do you think a split screen shot showing both candidates is “not helping” one of them more than the other?

CNN leans quite left and served Biden with a great set of questions about social security, Medicare, and abortion. It is not the job of the moderators to play thought police, their role is to ask questions and let them speak in the allotted time.

The entire Democratic Party is melting down over how senile he appeared and how much doubt they have in his resilience, but yes, his “stutter.”

The problem is that fact checking did not help Biden, he did just as badly with his statements about being endorsed by the border patrol (false), having less illegal migrants crossing (false), having had no military deaths under his term (false), having less inflation (false), even the numbers he gave for his Medicare work were false.

Maybe he should have worn a mask.

Name a strong point that Biden made that was truthful.

He lied about immigration, military deaths, Medicare coverage, inflation, and even about his golf handicap.

Alternatively, name any point that Biden made. Any at all.

I much prefer my own cult, where we downplay the insanity of voting for someone who is visibly senile and incoherent for president.

Thinking that the two are anywhere close in mental faculties is delusional.

Yeah, he did fine, that’s why his sentences drifted into incoherence. It was just a language barrier. He has one of the clearest and sharpest minds of our generation. He was staring at the floor with his mouth open because that’s just his stutter. He is totally the same as he was 4 or 12 years ago. He totally doesn’t come across like he’s trying to utter whatever fragments of partial thoughts he can pull through from whatever cognitive function he has left.

Although Trump took his usual style of making mostly false or exaggerated statements, Biden also lied about the strongest points that he made. He was not endorsed by the border patrol, there were not zero deaths of US military members under his presidency, he did not accomplish the Medicaid achievements he touted on price nor coverage, Trump did not refer to white supremacists in Charlottesville as “fine people,” we did not have lower illegal border crossings under Biden, the list goes on.

Both presidents spent the debate spewing nonsense, but one did it with normal mental faculties while the other was in such a bad state that the entire party is considering switching candidates 4 months before the election.

Meanwhile Biden employed a strategy where he spoke incoherently and could not articulate a single point, in between staring at the floor with his mouth open.

Now the democrats are trying to figure out if they should just accept the inevitable loss in November with Biden, or switch him out and undermine the entire democratic nomination process.

Trump gave exactly what both sides expected of him, while Biden completely fell apart. Even his conclusion was weak. Then the cameras stayed on and showed Jill walking him down three shallow steps, before cutting to the CNN analysis where a democrat strategist immediately said that the dems are in a panic about his performance and questioning his replacement. It was absolutely the worse case scenario for Biden.

Much easier to do it with palm tracing than feeling out a letter. Give them a pen and they can write, and then for answers, trace letters into their palm. If you try it with your own palm you can see how simple it is to feel the letter being written on your palm by someone’s finger.

Then this transitions to braille so that communication can be faster.

It is not limited. It is limited in some places where people have decided to live, and they can bear those consequences there. Everywhere else, it rains.

About as stupid as conserving sunlight because some places are cloudy.

The people that have decided they want to live in a desert, by all means, can wash their clothes and shower with a trickle of cactus water for all I care.

If I live at sea level and there is an abundance of fresh water, I don’t need to “save water” by having my laundry machine squirt two drops of water on my clothes or have my shower barely sprinkle.

These are stupid measures by regulatory agencies that have too much time and too many people on their hands.

California decides it’s a perfect idea to grow almond trees in the middle of a desert and a few dominos later, my toilet has a mini-flush button that gurgles my pee a little bit and keeps the bowl water a faint yellow after.

Not common to have neighbors or passerby’s trying to kill your dogs. But also not common to have pellets of rat poison show up in your yard.

Painful to read.

  • Man up a bit. Stop eating all that soy. Cut out this “spoiling you is my love language” bullshit. Spoiling her is clearly not your love language given that you need to split movie tickets. Why are you bullshitting with this? Telling her your love language is to spoil her while undermining your own request for her to contribute more financially.

  • The traditional roles thing: easy way to handle this. Tell her you’ll pay for the groceries and she can cook you up a big meal to eat together. Sounds like a fair bargain to me. You’re providing and she’s cooking and cleaning like she wants. Seems like a fair trade. If she only wants to cook and clean when she’s married, then why are you the one who has to start providing from Day 0?

  • She’s 24, unemployed, and borrows money from her parents. What do you expect her to pay for? Why are you dating someone broke and expecting them to pay for anything?

“My love language is spoiling you, that’s why I got us that bag of M&M’s to share at the movies!” You don’t need a prenup… prenups cover assets before marriage, any assets earned during marriage are usually split evenly. You’re already splitting the M&M’s, I don’t think a prenup is going to protect anything more.

Okay. You have 15 software engineers in India. He also wants your help. That’s 16 people. But is claiming this is a single person company.

Do you see a problem there?