The enzymes in your mouth would've destroyed any sperm so you will be fine.

More and likely since was trained by the military and I use my survival training regularly during hunting season. Plus I would like the challenge I've always liked to solve logic puzzles and play strategy games.

Because you only put a single shadow under the chin.

Those are interesting I'd be curious on how they would change my game play with the added sounds.

You are correct that it isn't the place and since you didn't take the other two until they were 13 maybe you should make that the rule for her and give her an extra year to mature.

What a weird way to ask to become an American, granted.

No I would bring him to an American family in NY city in the 1960s for them to raise.

Grill the two halves open face and then put the two halves together when the bread is cooked to your liking. Make sure to keep the mayo minimal as well since it will melt from the heat and get soaked up into the bread.

It depends on what your thoughts are on what caused the zombie. Is it a blood borne virus? A mutation? Maybe it's old school voodoo magic? And how is it transmitted? Bodily fluid? A scratch from a dirty nail? A bite/saliva? And what kind of vampire? Traditional? Glittery? New aged? And do you believe that a vampire needs to nearly drink the victim dry and then have the victim drink from them to become a vampire? All important questions to have the answers to to be able to answer your question.

This will be unpopular and I do love the books but my first thought was that deathly hallows was written because they demanded it not because Rowling wanted to write it. It just felt a little forced. But that was just my first impressions, I do enjoy the series and the movies.

It's not you it's the character, embody the character maybe your choice in voices doesn't feel right and you should be more suttle and natural. And maybe you can lean into the cringiness and make it a character flaw or weirdness that they have.

I have a set of well balanced throwing knives by my bed, not my first choice but you asked for creative. I would choose those because I'm accurate and they are quiet, so feeling a stabbing pain in your chest all of a sudden can really take you out of the game.

It would really depend on what your priorities are when it comes to teaching. Is it money, freedom, environment, the people, the ranking of the school?

My answer to that is people like you who see the need for change are the ones that would make it a point to raise their children to be the change. But you all refuse to have children which leaves us with the children of people who think everything is fine the way it is. Therefore nothing hets better and only gets worse. Or possibly levels out and stays the same.

I just use a tape recorder I'm old school. I don't even know if they still make micro tape recorders anymore.

Wow well good luck, I've notice my introvert ways disappear when I teach so I'm sure you'll do great.

Sure why not? I'd make that sacrifice if it meant no more cancer.

But you're just like my high school crush that's why I chose you.