Wait I've only glanced and I already see like 3 different ones that apply to me

Thanks for telling me

Thanks for letting me know

Wildshape 5th Edition

Okay so I'm a druid in a campaign with a good amount of homebrew for context. Me and one of my other party members are currently under water he has water breathing for 1 hour and he's riding me as a young shraken. I need a monster that I as a lvl 6 circle of the moon druid can turn into that has.a higher swim speed than I currently have which is 90. It also needs to have opposable hands because I am holding a trident which slows me down by 10 swim speed. We need to get 3 and 3/4 of a mile out with a little time to spare to get my companions sword he lost. If there's anything that would work please let me know

Mingda Magician x2 kiri moto slicer problem
Magician x2 kiri moto slicer problem

i heave a magician x2 and i was trying to use the kiri moto web based slicer but every time ive tried it, it just prints about a centimeter above the hot bed and is unusable, ive had to use web based slicers cuz my computer broke so im on an old chromebook. the other slicer ive been using is astro print but the supports it uses suck so ive been limited as to what i can print. i was wanting to use kiri moto because of its manual supports feature.

Magician x2 kiri moto slicer problem

i heave a magician x2 and i was trying to use the kiri moto web based slicer but every time ive tried it, it just prints about a centimeter above the hot bed and is unusable, ive had to use web based slicers cuz my computer broke so im on an old chromebook. the other slicer ive been using is astro print but the supports it uses suck so ive been limited as to what i can print. i was wanting to use kiri moto because of its manual supports feature.

Trans girls are super hot plush they got that secret weapon cis women can't beat

It's something that Prager u thing likes to talk Abt alot, you should look up Jamie dodgers videos on it they're funny.

my Minecraft mod pack isn't working

Every time I try and open Minecraft (1.20.1) on the mod pack I made for myself to play on all of the text is replaced with boxes. does anyone know what to do in this situation? I included a screen shot and a link to the crash report.


  • Ad Astra
  • Alchemistry
  • AlchemyLib
  • AmbientSounds 5
  • Angel Ring
  • AppleSkin
  • Aquaculture 2
  • Architectury API
  • Ars Nouveau
  • Artifacts
  • Ash API
  • Balm (Forge Edition)
  • Baubley Heart Canisters
  • Better Combat
  • Better Tridents
  • Bookshelf
  • Botany Pots
  • Botany Pots Tiers
  • Botany Trees
  • Colorful Hearts
  • Compressium
  • Controlling
  • Cooking for Blockheads
  • Cosmetic Armor Reworked
  • Crafting Tweaks
  • ChemLib
  • Citadel
  • Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge)
  • Collective
  • CreativeCore
  • Cucumber Library
  • Cupboard
  • Curios API (Forge)
  • Cyclic
  • Cyclops Core
  • Dark Utilities
  • Double Doors
  • Dungeon Crawl
  • EnderChests
  • Entity Culling Fabric/Forge
  • Epic Knights: Shields, Armor and Weapons [Fabric & Forge]
  • EvilCraft
  • ExpandAbility
  • Explorer's Compass
  • Extended Crafting
  • Extreme sound muffler (Forge)
  • Fancy Trinkets
  • Farming for Blockheads
  • Fast Leaf Decay
  • FLIB
  • Flux Networks
  • ForgeEndertech
  • FramedBlocks
  • Fusion
  • GeckoLib
  • Grappling Hook Mod
  • Grimoire of Gaia
  • HammerLib
  • Harvest with ease
  • immersive melodies
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Iron Chests
  • Iron Furnaces [FORGE]
  • Item Collectors
  • Jade 🔍
  • JourneyMap
  • Just Enough Items (JEI)
  • Just Enough Professions (JEP)
  • Kambrik
  • Knaves' Needs
  • Kotlin for Forge
  • L_Ender 's Cataclysm
  • Large Ore Deposits
  • Let Me Despawn
  • Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric)
  • Macaw's Doors
  • Macaw's Fences and Walls
  • Macaw's Trapdoors
  • McJtyLib
  • MinecraftCapes Mod
  • Mining Gadgets
  • Modonomicon
  • MoreCosmetics
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • Mystical Agradditions
  • Mystical Agriculture
  • Nature's Compass
  • Not Enough Crashes (Forge)
  • Occultism
  • OpenBlocks Elevator
  • Overloaded Armor Bar
  • Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops
  • Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core
  • Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended
  • Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees
  • Patchouli
  • Pipez
  • Placebo
  • playerAnimator
  • PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
  • Polymorph (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)
  • Powah! (Rearchitected)
  • Puzzles Lib [Forge & Fabric]
  • Rechiseled
  • Refined Storage
  • Refined Storage Addons
  • Resourceful Config
  • Resourceful Lib
  • RFTools Base
  • RFTools Control
  • RFTools Power
  • RFTools Utility
  • Runelic
  • Scriptor Magicae
  • Searchables
  • ShetiPhianCore
  • Silent Gear
  • Silent Lib (silentlib)
  • Silent's Gems
  • Simply Light
  • Simply Swords [Fabric & Forge]
  • Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge)
  • SmartBrainLib (Forge/Fabric/Quilt)
  • Solar Flux Reborn
  • Spice of Life: Carrot Edition
  • Squat Grow (Shift / Twerk to grow plants)
  • Starter Kit
  • Storage Drawers
  • SuperMartijn642's Config
  • SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
  • TerraBlender (Forge)
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Titanium
  • Transparent
  • Trash Cans
  • Traveler's Backpack
  • Visual Workbench [Forge & Fabric]
  • When Dungeons Arise
  • Wither Skeleton Tweaks