For me it’s less so the house videos and more so the lack of awareness .. someone left a comment about generational wealth on one of her SF videos and she said something snarky about it in yet another video about her grandmas house. There’s nothing wrong with generational wealth, but acting like you’re so hardworking and bootstrapping everything when you very obviously have a lot of family support is super disingenuous and tone deaf

As someone who’s attended a plethora of run clubs in New York over the years, Brooklyn track club has by far had the worst, cliquiest vibe I’ve ever experienced. For every other run club I’ve been to, existing members (the average runners as well as pacers and coaches) have gone out of their way to introduce themselves, chat, and be friendly. BKTC is the only one where folks have flat out ignored me for an entire workout. It seems like people there are already really good friends with one another and not looking to make any new friends — they’re coming to practice to see each other and not necessarily be welcoming of anyone new. Very enticing vibes on social media but unfortunately not welcoming of new people in practice, in my opinion.

There’s a huge movement right now about creating more inclusivity in sport, and a scarcity model feels so tone deaf in that context :-) they have some cute stuff but it’s insanely overpriced, impossible to get ahold of, and bandit doesn’t seem to be doing anything positive for the greater running community I.e. supporting women/moms/people of color and others who face discrimination in sport

Frankly … it’s one of the reasons I’m completely disconnected from the men’s side of the sport. I think one of the reasons women’s distance running has reached new highs lately is because the attitude towards competitors is so much more positive/uplifting. A rising tide lifts all boats! By comparison, men at their best seem really isolated. And at their worst, petty and rude. I guess sometimes that tactic leads to great performance (Josh Kerr and his endless yapping) but overall I don’t see it having a positive impact on the sport, and it’s having real consequences! Can’t speak for other countries, but distance running in the US on the men’s side is not all that impressive right now and I think attitude is playing a huge role in it

They had to pick a Nike athlete?!?!?! That’s insanity

Izzy Seidel teasing moving back to New York is insane 😵‍💫 girl you were she unhappy here / constantly complaining about it!

Omg, the og comment was a really thoughtful piece of critique worded in a very nice way… It’s insanely unhinged to have your mom come in the comments, but it’s extra bad when the messages weren’t even mean to begin with! The worst thing about influencers is that since they put themselves out there as their “art,” they think that they shouldn’t receive any sort of critical feedback or critique on their “art.” Not how it works 🤨

I’ve had the same critique of white fitness influencers who incessantly post about weed. “Reducing the stigma” isn’t just constantly talking about how much you love doing edibles and getting high (Kate Galvan is insufferable in this regard) — it’s also uplifting historically marginalized communities who have been demonized for cannabis use, which in this case is predominantly Black folks. I don’t see athletes and influencers taking on the latter part, which is a shame. Something just doesn’t sit right with me with a white woman becoming the face of cannabis and exercise if they’re not going to spend twice the amount of time fighting for poc who have been treated unfairly for the same behavior.

I don’t begrudge someone accepting a gifted bib nearly as much as I’m annoyed by races offering them in the first place! Specifically in regards to Boston, folks here have been frustrated that the cutoff time this year was so massive, apparently there were fewer charity spots (someone correct me if I’m wrong but I saw a thread about that a few weeks ago?), PLUS the race then allocated bibs to influencers. I can’t really fault someone for accepting an amazing gift, but in this instance specifically it really hit on the scarcity of actually making it into Boston these days and then seeing influencers who haven’t “earned it” getting to run over folks who ran the time but didn’t make it. A bunch of influencers got NYCM bibs last fall but it wasn’t nearly as annoying to me because even though it’s hard to get in, it doesn’t have that same qualifying/cutoff element

This whole situation with the influencers has been so stupid. Boston could have worked with Tyler/endorphins to support a big cheer zone, or have him and his massive platform raise money for a charity bib. I’m hoping big marathons going forward stop handing out bibs. They don’t need the promo!

Oh wow! I’ve always gotten … interesting vibes from that group. On one hand, their athletes drop some amazing performances. On the other hand, hearing about “vibe checks” and needing to be accepted by the group makes sense in theory but I imagine gets super exclusionary super fast. I remember listening to a bitr podcast last year with Emma bates where they asked her about friendship with fellow marathoner dom Scott, and Emma basically deflected and said that they weren’t really close friends, just training partners. Came across as extremely weird and at odds with the boss babes besties vibes that they usually radiate

A really generous read of her comment would be that she’s doesn’t think it’s that deep from a sexism perspective and that because there would obviously be more uni choices, it’s silly to get upset over one you don’t like.

That doesn’t change the fact the cut of this costume would literally expose private parts?! Even if you don’t care about anything else, flagging that is technically poor design seems like something everyone should be able to agree on

Oh no … Des linden has responded to a comment on Lauren fleshman’s post about the Olympics kits agreeing with a troll and basically saying “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” and that people would also be complaining if they were given kits with too much coverage 😵‍💫 a lot of her takes have been a big L lately.

The issue is not about how many options an athlete gets for race day. It’s that one of them (the main one being promoted by Nike!) does not cover the entire pubic area

Seems to me like influencers would be great people to raise money for a charity since they have much bigger reach/resources compared to the average person! (I think Kate Galvan and lydia keating both ran nycm for planned parenthood last year?) id love to see races go this route in the future and find a way to connect influencers with charities with bibs

I find it so annoying when influencers sell gifted products … do a give away, gift to family and friends, donate to a women’s shelter, but there’s something so icky to me about reselling things you got for free (not sure what, if any, PR products are on Izzy’s poshmark fwiw! But as a general rule it’s a hugely annoying thing some influencers do)

And bandit just launched a $328 one …. 😵‍💫 I’m all for innovation and investing in good quality, but these prices are just goofy and insanely exclusionary.

This article made some really good points about the rise of snark pages and their importance (as well as unfortunate side effects like devolving into bullying behavior at times)

Just looked at her comment section and she’s referring to this sub lol. I don’t know what’s been said about her in the past, and I’m hoping it was nothing mean spirited! But aside from some really nasty comments about Diane Lauren a few weeks ago (like actual troll behavior, not just people saying they don’t care for her content) I feel like this sub is pretty mild in terms of discussing influencers.

At the end of the day, these folks are putting stuff out into the world and in many cases making $$ off their of engagement and supposed expertise, so I think critique should be expected and is really fair. They don’t have any checks and balances otherwise!

Cait keen made a video as well .. I’m generally a fan, have never seen her snarked on here before but it seems like this is what she was mentioning! She has made multiple videos on the fast referencing bullies and haters, but I assumed it was people in her personal life/network

Ok I’ve BEEN complaining about the $200 marathon training plan where every other weekly workout was strides 🤡 and then there werent any sort of in person events, swag, meetups to offset the cost (like pretty much every other paid marathon training squad like nike, bandit, etc). An absolute racket

Shes loooooong been my bec lol. I finally unfollowed her earlier this year. After working back from injury to turn the NYCM, she made countless comments about how she doesn’t share her pace and the reasons why. After a few months of more aggressive in training for this next one, she’s all of a sudden sharing her garmin stats and talking nonstop about running in the 8min range for long runs. Completely disingenuous, I feel like she has a lot of issues with body image and what constitutes “good” athletic performance (no shade there — genuinely hope she’s able to find peace with those things someday!) and then constantly makes videos about inclusion in fitness, and then reverts back to body checking posts and sharing her fast paces

Don’t all of these girls have access to the influencer-only Alo gym? Go there and post your workouts

Miss girl saw Halley getting her breakup bag and decided to use the same playbook