I grabbed a flip for a week back in September. Probably would've liked it except that there's a weird film over the screen (I didn't know it was there beforehand) that Samsung warns not to remove (like a bad tpu screen protector) and the gap between where the display ends and the edge of the phone is quite large.

Just some things to take into consideration if you're not already aware of them.

Had you not made this post, I would've left moonrise for end-of-act-2 on both playthrough 2 and 3. Thank you so much, my eyes have been opened.

My biggest problem right now is that no matter how obvious I make it, my players will just ignore any quest hook I throw at them. Typically, if delivered by an NPC, they will instead decide to insult and ridicule said NPC for no reason other than 'I don't really like them'. I am very glad to have had a TPK on our first 'completed' adventure (Saltmarsh - Isle of the Abbey) at the hands of a poorly hidden trap. Very nice.

As mentioned, its the quadratic formula. In the case of highschool physics, this is commonly used to solve for time in kinematics equations (specifically d = v*t + 0.5*a*t^2). Can't remember any other concrete applications off the top of my head.

WIBTA for hanging out with my best friend's ex?Advice Needed

My best friend's ex (lets call friend Fred and ex Ella) whom I was friends with (and still am) before she and Fred started dating, invited myself and some of my friends to hangout and play poker, which we used to do sorta as a tradition b4 the breakup. This is the first time since the breakup, and I really want to do it, but I don't want to betray Fred. I told Ella's this, and tried to convey that while I think it would he a dick move for my friend's and I to hang out with her, I still want to be her friend and maybe hangout once Fred grows up a little. She hasn't said anything since but it seems to me she's pretty upset about it. Fred is, to be frank, petty and immature, so he's the kind of guy who decides that if he is no longer friends with someone (or in this case broke up with someone), that person is automatically a piece of shit and a terrible person and they are obviously out to get him. In the case of Ella, they broke up because they had a different time-frame on their relationship (for want of a better word), and there was no abuse or anything bad between them. Both sides left the relationship pretty down, but neither of them hated each other for it, but as time went on Fred decided otherwise. In the end, I'm pretty confident I made the right move here, but I feel pretty bad for turning down Ella just because she falls a little lower in my friend list. WIBTA for hanging out anyways or did I make the right call?


S20 Ultra. Rear glass panel is cracked all over.

I am young me and have never owned a car, so maybe I'm not the best reference (though I am somewhat your typical souped-coupe fan that 'wouldn't want a typical consumer car') but I think the new camrys look stellar and would 100% get one if it were a reasonable financial decision for me (note I know nothing about specs on them :D).

If they're liquid core that'd be sick

Gortash. I dont know if he was bugged or something, but ultimately I held out fighting him until I didn't have much else to do but off him and Orin (and so naturally I was lvl 12). Walked in there played with the traps while him and his buddies had a race to see who could run furthest in the most useless direction upstairs. When I finally got to the, my ghouls mercced him in about 2 rounds and that was the worst 'boss' fight I've ever done.

Orin was less bad because after Gortash, I expected to turn her into a lovely little puddle nearly instantly, but at least it was only me who could fight her.

The only reason I can think of as to why anyone wouldn't recommend a floating bridge for beginners is because it takes a little more knowledge to change strings and whatnot (but youtube is all you need if you're doing it yourself).

Having a floating bridge just means you now have one more way to have fun playing your guitar, and can play a wider range of music on it as well.


In the case of bg3 (not sure on the specifics with 5e) Gith reproduce asexually, so by that the only way a bhaalspawn can be Gith would be in durge's special case.

I dont know anything about amps that you can connect to with bluetooth, but I imagine you can get any amp that has a headphone output (be that a 3.5mm or 4.4mm output) and get a bluetooth dongle seperately.

I've never done this with a guitar amp, but it should work in theory. Of course, as others have mentioned, there will be latency issues and sound degradation, but if you're keeping it cheap and not using a wired output most options will have the same issue.

I have one of these bridges and had no idea what that left screw did until now. Thank you for this post lmao.

I have tidal on my roku because I can't figure out how to cast from my phone, but because it's a TV app, the only way to not watch videos is to play playlists from my collection. It'd be awesome if I could toggle off videos so I can listen to some random mix properly on the TV and not watch it.

Na, don't delete it. Its nice to see a non-jungler genuinely asking questions instead of rhetorical ridicule.

Large-ish framed picture behind the couch imo.

Made a slapshod version with a wooden card box. . . except I have too many dice.

Did mine as the sister to my durge. Took half-elf because i wanted to make my eladrin character and imo its the nicer elf type, so my durge is autumn themed while the sister is spring.

respect the desk mat, i got the same one B)

Wacked the headstock of my s-series into a door jamb as i was walking through and took off the point entirely. With a little bit of carpenters glue, its only noticeable if you're looking for it.