My son's bio dad has seen him 3 times since he left, that was 6 years ago, so in 6 years 3 times

Weird though, her story showed that she closed a property yesterday (?)

Could be just going to another agency, my friend switched 2 agencies in maybe a year or so. (Plesse don't judge my username lol, I made this when I was like 16-18.) Some agencies offer you a higher commission (I think that what she told me) or better listings or just a better team in general.

Tortilla chips, sounds silly but often I don't want to eat foods, a lot of the foods I eat I learned to tolerate but the days where I can't stand anything, tortilla chips.

Pacing, I made an obstacle in my kids play room for all of us to pace around when things are too much.

Lights, the main light bulb is not for main usage, only Mt NT husband uses it. My boys and I prefer our dim lights and led strip lights.

Blankets everywhere, I enjoy hiding, so do my sons, we must have blankets in every single room.

Wipes, everywhere, I hate stickiness.

Headphones are available and hung in every room.

Black out curtains, I am sensitive to light. Even car shades on the windows as well.

Starting a youtube channelMedia

Hi guys, so I'm starting a youtube channel. I'm late diagnosed at 26, well now I'm 26, I was diagnosed in April when I was 25. I made my first video about my diagnosis, and where I went because I noticed a lot of adults are struggling to find a safe, affordable place. (Only was affordable bc at the time I had insurance)

Any ideas for videos? I post shorts of my garden or just random things I enjoy. My videos will about helping other adults, I am also a mom, so I wanted to maybe discuss my difficulties as a parent, not my children or complaining about them, but the challenges of getting over stimulated as a parent, working through it. I don't want my parenting content geared towards my children, my children are also autistic and I don't want to blast my children's business, exploiting I'm against. They'll be mentioned at a minimal

Any ideas?

Maybe a video interviewing my husband and why he suspected that I am autistic, he was the first person who did.

I didn't show my face during my video about my assessment because lately I feel strange on camera, so I screenrecorded the website, did a voice over, I did show a picture of myself

I rather sit in silence than small talk. Yes I can feel how hot it is, we don't need to discuss it (texas), no the day is not nice, so why ask?

I have gotten rather good at small talk, especially when it comes to dropping my kids off at school. I don't mind small tall with his teachers nor everyone who works at the school, they're all kind people. Other people, nope, especially at the store.

Honestly maternity pants, I discovered my love for them during pregnancy, I have always felt uncomfortable in clothes, most clothes . (It's been 4 years since I was pregnant lol)

But maternity pants are so loose, the band isn't tight, it covers the whole stomach. I feel spacious but also everything held in? I like looseness but also pressure?

Shirts, I cut up my shirts, the sleeves, I like a lot of arm room but i also wear cardigans to cover my arms because I dislike them and I never know what to do with my arms

I found these baggy jeans (a lot of teens wear them these days), I love them. They have an hole in them because I wear them more than I should (I wash them daily) The waist band is my only problem but the rest is awesome.

I enjoy wearing long skirts but no frills or bullshit, just plain long skirts, no added crap, covers my ankles bc I do weird shit with my legs.

I wear one color and only one, cliche but black, blends in, no one notices me the way I enjoy things lol.

Short : loose clothes, cardigans, shirts with big arm holes , shoes i am picky. I buy so many shoes just to wear a pair and to donate the rest. My husband has helped me not buy so many shoes, we do tests now before I step out of the store, no more buying shoes online lol.

Propser Health went through them for my diagnosis. 10 dollar each session bc insurance.

3 sessions

1st one 30mins to 1 hr and 30 My first one last 40 mins

2nd same duration Last maybe an hour or so

3rd is results of assessment Everything took place in the span of a month

Just need 1 person from your childhood and a current person to answer questions

What a greedy little pig your roommate is. Pun intended. You don't just eat someone's food. I don't care if that's how he grew up, he's grown up now so act like it and ask, he's not with mommy and daddy. He's very entitled and I hope you get some more bacon.

Screw him saying "the autism card doesn't work on me", well "your thievery and excuses doesn't work on me either buddy". "Way I grew up" my ass. I would say, "the way you grew up card, doesn't work on me buddy. Grow up and ask."

Sorry his attitude bothered me for you. V

Cleaning, I can get a weeks worth of house duties done in a day, I'm efficient. I have a plan, I schedule it out, I do it. (It takes me a month to figure out a good schedule but once I do, I do it. Now some days it's hard because I feel close to burnout but I do it)

Research, I can look up anything and learn any topic in a few hours , down side I have trouble explaining what I learn to others lol. My friends use me more than Google.

My autism in general, it's my strength as a parent because I understand my children better than anyone in the household. My kids are also autistic.

The way my brain works, scenarios. I run multiple scenarios before doing something, it has to be well thought out and usually the final product is awesome. My brain is like an office, multiple files, storage containers, everything separated in alphabetical order. I do enjoy the way my brain works, seeing all the tasks I can get it efficiently. I dislike doing things half way. To others it's annoying but they appreciate the end product.

A few months ago I wouldn't answer this post because I believed I didn't have strengths but I am learning to appreciate who I am, especially for my sons so they are confident with themselves looking at me. That we have challenges but we see our strengths and maybe that will one day help us in the moments that are too much. I am glad I was diagnosed, I think I can be a great asset to my children and helping them navigate in this shit world lol.

That's another strength, I say what's on my mind, I am true to myself. I don't change who I am unless I see where work is needed. I am logical. I am also pretty predictable so stable for my children (as in scheduling our days etc)

NTs think we lack empathy, but from what I've observed, quite a bit of them lack empathy and awareness of others. They're so social, but lack the ability to have "uncomfortable" conversations, unless it directly implies to them.

My husband said since my diagnosis I have hindered myself, he said because I quit coding, I quit coding 2 years ago because the math terms confused me, like functions or how to tie everything I learned all together.

He said my anxiety is separate from me being autistic and that I am too high functioning to have challenges. He said on 2 traits from me show autism and very minor. But yet during my evaluation, he had A LOT to say to the lady.

He can only be supportive so much, I don't fault him, or others who don't understand, people often do not research things unless it pertains to them.

I'm learning, if it's too bright, I will turn off the lights, no explanation. If everyone's devices are too loud, I will move myself from the area, no explanation, if they do not want one, they not get one from me. If they don't want to take the time to understand, that's on them, we won't have a deeper connection than they will allow. Maybe it's harsh, but I'm getting into my 30s in a few years and I am exhausted from this weird social construct.

Not at the moment sadly, my husband and I are struggling financially and are barely catching up. Past 6 years I've been a stay at home mom, and that helped us but also pushed us behind in some areas.

I think I'm taking it hard because she comments on everything and anything. From my parenting, to my relationship, to any part of my personality. I've worked hard on parenting, being emotionally available, not zoning out, being accepting to hugs and nonstop touching (which I dislike) but I've worked on all of those things. I've done a lot of work on myself to be a better parent and it's never good enough. It's always "we need to do more of _", we means me, because she isn't involved with my children, she spends a bit of time with them, she does help with rides to school (I am so grateful for that), but I am the one teaching them, playing with them, up at all hours, baths, you name it. "__ doesn't get interaction from no one", she's gone when the kids aren't at school, if _____ doesn't get interaction then how can a 4 year old spell over 100 words, count to 1000 (Yes it still shocks me), already doing double digit addition, subtraction, because I interact with him. I think all of her comments, her input, constantly, every single time is hitting me. That comment yesterday hit me the most, because all of my life, since I remember, I have heard, "what's wrong with her? There's something wrong with her. She's not right", now I have the answer, I am not damaged like I've thought, I just am autistic.

And everything you've said has made sense to me! I thank you for your time, thank you so much, you've helped me a bunch!

I got through right now talking to him, he's tired from work. He usually just listens. He helped with the diagnosis process, he did all the questions for the "person who knows you at the present time". I think he's sorta supportive. I don't know how to describe his support but it has it's limits. He's trying though (I think)

Usually when I start researching I can't get "my mind off" the loop but this situation, no matter what I did, I was stuck.

& that's my experience with confidence and self awareness as well, I feel my confidence or opinion of myself is clustered opinions of others.

& yep that sounds more like it, I tolerate her, I do love and care for her. I thought we had a good relationship because she vents to me and we do things together. (I have always had trouble knowing if a relationship if good or not, or genuine)

My husband has pretty much given up on his mom. Since I entered the family, I have been her venting buddy. He use to be it. He says she is crazy and calls her names behind her back. He tolerates her and smokes with her. That's the strength of their relationship weed. He just listens to me and tells me to ignore it.

We live with her, I keep myself busy by cleaning the house, cooking for everyone, to avoid interactions at home. Or I work on the yard. I do love my mother in law, she can be great to spend time with, like when we go to the thrift store or we do repairs to the house.

I am talking to my partner in a few minutes about this. All of you have helped me put my thoughts into words. Thank you so much

I don't understand what identifying means either. She makes fun of her step son who has ADHD, and says he uses it as an excuse.

Thank you for commenting. I appreciate your empathy. I have regulated myself and all of these comments, I do feel better, I feel very drained after getting emotional. Thank you, I feel supported. I think that's why I have drained myself, I am unsupported at home.

I am going to do that, I am autistic, my children are as well. I am realizing I have to stand up for myself so I can one day stand up for them. Thank you

Trying to be kind to myself, my mind gets stuck on a loop especially when it comes to criticism or negative words. I am working on being confident, the person who diagnosed me said to work on that.

We have a good relationship, she comments on everything and anything. From my parenting, to personality, I don't know how to word it. I love her and enjoy her company at times. But there is a mental list of things to avoid in conversation. She's judgemental in a masked way, she criticizes but disguises it as compliments (back hand comments?) She's becoming a lot for me. 6 years of knowing her.amd this past year has drained me. I can't have open conversation, because she slams her door, cries and yells, vents to my father in law and everyone in her family. Therefore I don't speak to any of them.

I think she meant I can't say I am autistic or acknowledge it because I am late diagnosed and to her maybe I don't have challenges? I have no idea. She talks about me being autistic at times "I was reading many women on the spectrum are LGBTQ, you are very true to yourself because autistic people are logical and that's why you are different from your family". Honestly I don't understand half of our conversations, and I have set replies. She vents a lot and goes on tangents, I get lost in conversation. I am better at conversation in text message

Thank you, I'm reading the comments, I'm just very emotional right now. I don't understand why her comment is making me cry. She comments on everything and anything. It's too much. My therapist is dealing with medical issues, so I haven't talked to her and possibly won't be able to talk next week with her.

Thank yall for being supportive. I'm sorry if anyone else experiences this. I will keep reading the comments, if I don't reply, then I'm still trying to regulate myself

I was told I can't identify as autistic Vent/Rant

Late diagnosed here, was diagnosed in April. My husband and I were joking around, I forgot about what. But he was messing with me, and I said without thinking and in humor, "I'm autistic not _____", I forgot what we were talking about. This is what I remember. My mother in law said "you can't start identifying".

I don't tell people I am autistic, because of that reaction. 4 people in my life know, and you all but you don't know me (so I don't feel judged?)

Well now I wish I never told my husband or her. I feel stupid. I feel small. I just wish I could disappear. I hate how personally I take stuff.

Yep that annoys the crap out of me. But I ask myself this, "what if the child is also autistic or has sensory issues and the tablet regulates the child? But they could wear headphones? What if the child can't tolerate headphones? Then why bring the child to the store? Because the parents need to shop (or whatever they need to do), or single parent, no where to leave the child, day care is expensive. But wait what about at night when child is asleep? Ah what if the child has sleep troubles as well?"

I ask myself this because I get less annoyed thinking about those things, so I don't just wall out of the store or the place I need to be. I carry my headphones so I can block out screaming children, loud devices, people yelling or whatever sounds may piss me off. My kids love the tablet, helps regulate but I am lucky they are of school age, so I shop when they are at school. Makes it 100 times easier.

The self talk I demonstrated, my therapist taught me, to do it once I start getting anxious. Before the self talk thing, I would get very annoyed, you probably could see my annoyance, I am also very "vocal" so I Will say what's on my mind (at times I don't mean to). Has gotten me in trouble.

I went through prosper health. 3 sessions in 2 weeks. You also need 2 people for the long ass questions that will be emailed to them. 1 from childhood must be 10 years older than you and someone who knows you as an adult.

They take insurance. Just make sure, that they bill your insurance correctly. They took out 900 bucks for the 2 sessions. My insurance is just a 10 dollar copay, not me paying more than 20%. Told them, contacted my insurance. Refunded my money. But did keep 20 bucks (10 dollars per session.)

They use a separate billing thing called headway