I have a similar issue. When I need help summarizing a wall of text I've written I'll use Claude.ai or ChatGPT to help me. They're not perfect but they serve as a starting point to help make whatever I'm writing more succinct.

I assume you're going to install HAOS and you're implying that cost is a factor. If both those things are true, get the 4GB version. Generally speaking, a base HA install will run the same on both. Where the extra memory might make a difference would depend on the plugins you install. So, if you want that flexibility, get the 8GB.

In either case, I would recommend getting a USB 3 to SATA cable and a smallish SSD drive as well. Install the OS on the SSD.

Why do you think the verdict will be tossed on appeal?

I mean, someone has to cater to the MAGAts. That's a lot of money that'd be left just sitting there otherwise!

First thing I saw was " gratuitous slideshow pics"

To clarify this: The merger was with McDonnell Douglas and, afaik, it wasn't "investor types" that took over - it was the management of McDonnell Douglas that had taken over.

What's that thing on the wall in the first photo? I would guess pull-up bar but then there's all the additional rungs...

Downvoted. The fact that this video is obviously staged (and obnoxiously so by telling me how I should feel) doesn't make me smile. It makes me feel like it's trying to manipulate me.

This. I just started my home lab and went the SFF route myself. I didn't want to deal with finding a compatible power brick. Also, SFF machines tend to use the full fat CPUs and not the low voltage laptop CPUs, since they have much better cooling.

If you have the space, definitely consider a SFF PC instead.

This. I just scrolled through the entire blog post and didn't see dimensions. How deep is this thing?

When you moved to the 800 series stick, were you able to migrate all of your devices? Or did you have to exclude and re-include them?


What's the footprint of the house? What type of construction is it? How many floors?

In my experience, electricians can't install ethernet worth a damn. Sure, they can run the cable but terminating it correctly? Fuhgettaboutit.

Depending on the size of the house, the materials used, and the layout, 3 APs might not be enough or might be overkill. Also, what's your goal? Adequate 2.4GHz coverage throughout the house? Or do you want max 5/6GHz performance available in every room? What about outside?

New concrete patio. Redo due to some water flowing towards foundation?

Hey all,

I just had a concrete patio installed last week. Yesterday, it had rained for most (all?) of the day. I noticed some water being soaked up by our foundation: https://imgur.com/EIA0zQr

It appears that some of the textured parts of the patio are shaped such that water is moving towards our foundation.

Since it had rained while I was asleep I had decided to take another look this morning. This is what I saw: https://imgur.com/FFdRHZe

I checked the basement walls and - as far as I can tell - no water is soaking through. Though yesterdays rain was light, I'm concerned about what might happen after a heavier rain or snow melting. (I'm in upstate NY.)

(Also probably worth mentioning: The concrete hasn't been sealed yet. I imagine once it has that less water will be absorbed by the concrete and more will move towards the foundation.)

This is a bit worrisome. Am I making much ado about nothing? Or should I expect the mason to tear out the pad and do the patio over again? Is there some easy way for the mason or I to mitigate this?

Feedback appreciated.


Not sure what you mean by "labs"? Are those the questions where you click and drag answers from the left side of the screen to the right?

Passed AZ-900 - Tips Inside!Achievement Celebration

I passed the AZ-900 with a score of 880. I go into detail about what I used, what worked for me (and what didn't) below since those are the kinds of posts I always found helpful.

Resources I used

Tips / Advice / Thoughts / Whatever

This is just stream-of-consciousness stuff and listed in no particular order:

  • John Saville's AZ-900 videos were very helpful. Those are where I started.
    • I only viewed about 30-minutes of his "cram" video though and only in areas where I felt I was weak.

  • I started studying for the exam about 2 months ago. I haven't been terribly consistent with studying. I haven't kept close track but I'd say I've spent about 20 hours studying. It was difficult for me to spend more than an hour a day studying. Any longer and I'd have a hard time focusing. Having a full-time job didn't help either.
    • I have a newfound appreciation for people who work day jobs and go to school at night.

  • One thing that I would say helped cement the material in my head was taking actual hand-written notes in a notebook during the John Saville videos. I tried typing the notes but that didn't seem that effective for me. And just listening? Haha! That would last, like, 5 minutes before I'd get distracted by any shiny object in the room :/

  • The Microsoft Learn Practice Assessment is much, much easier than the actual exam. For one, all the questions are multiple choice which isn't the case in the actual exam. Also, the questions don't go into nearly the level of detail that actual exam questions do. Don't use the practice assessment to determine if you're ready for the actual exam.

  • I found the questions on TestPrep to be more representative of actual exam questions. Though based on other peoples comments in this subreddit, the questions on TestPrep aren't well curated and contain material that's been retired from the exam. I answered about 60 questions on TestPrep and I think most of them were relevant. Still, YMMV.

  • In hindsight, I wish I'd spent the $12 on the TestPrep practice exam to build more confidence. The site feels shady AF tho. Does anyone have recommendations for good practice exams that aren't almost the same cost as the real exam?

Edit: Formatting

I had the same problem. Logging into my UDMP with my UI.com account enabled the button and let me upgrade.

FWIW, I had no idea that "Console Owner" meant UI.com account until I ran into this thread. The term is too ambiguous, IMO.

Learning / knowing multiple languages is always helpful.

If your classes are easy and you have the mental bandwidth to spare, then learn C#.

(Of course, posting this in the C# subreddit...what kind of answer did you expect?)

Your original post makes it sound like you were struggling to learn both Java and C# at the same time. You might want to edit it for clarity.

Stick with Java since that's what your university classes are taught in. Once you get comfortable with Java, it'll be easier to learn C#.

Stop worrying about "there's more jobs for X". If you're in university, then your focus should be on learning the material given to you and graduating.

Check out Wolf Brigade Gym, they make custom maces.

Thanks for sharing! Good to know about the text turning brown too.