Your “permanent record” in school. Any time a teacher threatens with putting some on the permanent record its just that, a threat. My mom worked for our local school district and she shredded all records as soon as someone graduated. It does not follow you forever and no future job is going to care that you once told your 9th grade math teacher to suck it because theyll never even know

Dang, my buddy Li Ng is gonna be done in like 3 minutes. With no middle name, she only has wall sits for 2 minutes, 25 jumping jacks, 25 burpees, and friggin arm circles!

So ugly but so well done. Is there a word for this? Great craftsmanship of a terrible design?

Damn, i would watch their show!

The Lion Trainer this fall on NBC

Marco Scutaro!!! But the real answer is Shane Victorino, need the save that V for captain Veritek

I feel like it must have started as a joke that just went waaaaay too far.

Wait until you find out what theyre doing with them over at r/buttsharpies


The craziest part is i have brown hair and my with is blonde and was wearing a green coat that day! I showed my wife, we are framing it

Oh my goodness! I got a watercolour!!! Thank you! I feel like reddit royalty now!

One of my proudest moments happened here. I made the Queens guard laugh! Wife is a horse girl and as we walked up and she said, “wow, he’s beautiful!” And i said, “yeah, so is his horse!” The guard smiled, chuckled, fought it hard and got back to straight faced but then he looked down at me before his eyes shot back to straight forward. It was awesome.

Math checks out, neither is the correct answer.

Of course you are! Good for you guys! Old dad myself, get on the cardio keep an eye on the diet. Best motivation i ever had to get in shape.

Theres a line in Scrubs where Elliot is asked to name her top ten favorite sex positions and she says, “after the two i know i just started naming bugs and one of the girls said she already tried the stink bug.”

Always makes me laugh.

The capsule around the implant is normal and is like scar tissue. Any foreign object in the body is encapsulated and protected. So the capsule is 100% normal. But that capsule can constrict in what is called capsular contracture. It can be very painful. This looks like some older implants with a Baker 4 grade capsular contracture. At that point explant is recommended. Even with the most advanced gel implants, breast devices should be replaced every 10-12 years. Some implants have textured shells that help prevent contracture but still need to be replaced.