I was a 70/80s kid who grew up in a beach town on the east coast and rarely saw anyone in speedos. There was an area near us with a lot of rich Greek immigrants; the beach in their area was the only time I saw a few. And when my cousins from spain would visit. We called Speedos “grape smugglers” lol.

I ordered a burrito a few months ago, and when I got back to my office and tried a bite, it was nothing but rice. Someone must have been high as hell that day.

Also, the drapes are not wide enough.

It seems too short to me. I like your color scheme!

He was just scared she'd eat him if he didn't give her extra.

I used to date a widower, and when I met his late wife's parents, I told them I would gladly give him up if it meant they could have their daughter/mother of his children back. And I meant it. It's not a competition. He offered to remove photos around his home that included her and I insisted he leave them. He had teenage children and I would never try to erase such an important person's memory. People can be really jealous and insecure.

The average age is 29, not boomers.

They aren't mostly boomers, where did you come up with that? The average age is 29.

I was wondering the same thing! My battery is completely dead so I need a new ring. I think there’s a decent chance so I’m going to wait.

No, he doesn't do Gorlworld, he makes fun of body positivity tik toks, mostly. I don't subscribe to him and can't remember his name. Edit: The CynicalDude. He's ok, not super hilarious but entertaining enough once in a while.

Ha, I agree about the police pursuits; they are rarely as entertaining as the shoplifter meltdowns!

Look him up at familytreenow.com. It usually lists household members so if there’s a woman of similar age, there you go. It’s creepy how much you can find there (I use it as a tool for genealogy research). It’s not 100% accurate but it might help.

Ok, this cemented it for me; now I am sure it’s fake. OOP is setting us up for the next update, which will be “you were right guys, here’s another long-ass post that sounds like it’s written by a woman“.

It’s the time of year where people go on vacation or are outside more so it’s bound to be quieter unless Chantal actually does something interesting. I don’t follow any other lolcows; my other YouTube hobby is watching police interrogations and psychology channels. For a trainwreck fix, I check out police bodycam videos, they are maddening and funny at the same time.

Is it the guy who combs his mustache? I can’t remember his name but he’s pretty funny.

That looks like a total blast! Was not expecting the arterial spray lol.

I doubt it. She mentioned that she needs to go to the dentist (2nd time she’s brought it up). I think Gorl has something going on in the gaping maw.

And it’s an all-volunteer fire department, like many on Long Island (Islip is on LI)! I don’t think that’s training; It looks to me like an annual contest that’s held by local volunteer departments and they do these drills to see who’s the fastest. It’s a ton of fun, my dad was a volunteer fireman for our tiny Long Island town and we went to this every year. There was always a big barbecue after (each family had to peel 50 pounds of potatoes, I hated that part). Edit, I totally missed the headline about her tea delivery, that is hilarious! I saw the “that’s impressive” text and went on a tangent.

I have a feeling they're going to Malaysia for the Visa run.

Huh, I know most people like the smell of gasoline, which every other person wrote here, but melting tar is a new one for me. And gunpowder - people I've been around complained they could taste it in their throats and didn't seem to enjoy it. But I guess you really schooled me!