Option 1: if you get sick, you'll never get sick from that illness again. Caught COVID-19? Once your body deals with it once, you'll never catch it again, even if you inject 5 syringes worth of it directly into your bloodstream, your body will still perfectly fight it out. This applies to any and all Illnesses as long as you catch it once.

Option 2: choose how heavy you wanna be, then you'll weigh that much. If you wanna lose weight, just choose a weight that sounds good to you, do some light exercise, (walking to the bathroom would count as exercise) then you'll weigh how much you chose. Wanna gain weight, just choose your weight and you'll weight that much after your next meal/snack/next time you eat something. Your body type will stay the same as it is now. Your weight will remain at exactly what you chose until you change it.

Option 3: all of your senses will be in peak condition. You'll have 20/20 vision, be able to hear a conversation 3 houses away, have a nose comparable to a dogs, all of your senses will be perfect and the only way to damage them is for you to die. You can even put on a pair of glasses and stare at the Sun, and your eyes will remain 20/20. On the topic of your eyes, you could donate your eyes and the person who receives them will have the same benefits. (Are eye donations even a thing?)

Option 4: you can eat whatever you want and it will give you all the benefits and nutrients that your body is in need of at the time. If you need more iron, just eat a wooden plank, you'll get your iron from it.

Option 5: you have the ability to decide if you want children or want to catch an std. Condoms are no longer needed, just say "I want a child" or "I don't want a child" and the next time you have sex, you'll have a child. Same thing with STD's. You can decide when/if you'll get an STD.

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