Would You Rather

r/WouldYouRather365.2K subscribers28 active
Would You Rather be able to fly only as fast as your max running speed, and only as high up as your max jumping height from your launch position, OR, have all the flight capability of Superman, but for a random 20min block of time every 24 hours your powers stop working?

For the second option, assume that the 20min window is ALWAYS 20 minutes from start-to-finish, but where it falls during the course of a 24 hour day is different from one day to the next (and has no advance warning before the powers shut off).

Edit: I saw a different flying one recently in this sub, and I thought I would share this one that my friends and I have been debating for the last few years

Edit x2: some clarifiers that the people in the comments have sussed out.

For the purposes of both scenarios, the act of flying doesn't use stamina.

Option 2 isn't "You get Superman's abilities", it's "You gain Superman's flight capability"

Option 1's "Max height you can fly is based on your max jump height" is only relative to your starting point. Yeet yourself off a building and enjoy cruising at that height until you choose to land and reset it.

For option 2, the 24-hour clock resets when at the end of the 20-minute window of powerlessness.

For option 2, you are similarly not warned when the 20-minute window is over. It could start and end, and you wouldn't know.

Edit x3: Good golly, another clarification

For the purposes of not creating a horrifying plasma ball a mile-wide every time we take off, let's say that the universe (and your physical flesh) is able to absorb the brunt of the energy exchange required to take off, SAFELY AND GENTLY land, and a basic protection against air friction while flying.

So, no super armor and unbreakable bones, although if you are actively flying, you'll be protected from the wind drag.

Would you rather Skip Time or have 48 Hours a Day

48 Hours a day:

Every 12 AM the day freezes for 24 hours and

People remain in place and you cannot interact and have a convo with them/you can still touch them but you cannot get them to interact with you

You can use your phone, car and appliances but the internet doesn't work(Downloaded content and offline videos still work)

You do not age in the 12AM timeframe but you can still exercise and do activities to improve your body and mind

You cannot turn this ability off

Skip Time

You can activate this by thinking how much seconds/hours/minutes you want to skip

You can enter a state where you can see what everyone would do in that time frame

This state is like a video player where you can, pause, play and rewind the upcoming timeline and select the moment you want to resume.

The cool down is proportional to the amount of time you've skipped.

WYR be Spider-Man or have the pill from Limitless?

If you pick Spider-Man, you’d have to learn to make your own web shooters. No Tobey Maguire wrists. If you pick the pill, you get just enough for one pill a day for the rest of your life, and you don’t get the bad side effects that happen in the movie.

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WYR be stalked by the V rex in a park full of packed people or be hunted by a werewolf in the middle of a dark street?nsfw

A: Anyone can be the V-rex. the moment it spots you, the person melts, then reforms (messily) into the V rex.

B: It has three types of vision (Infrared, thermal and X ray), can turn invisible, can perfectly mimic speech and when it is upon you, you will hear an ear splitting tinnitus ring, blood will fill your vision and you will die...because it just flayed you to the bone and blew out your eardrums from sheer pain.

It is immune to silver but not to fire, guns and it is terrified of holy objects. The best way to ward it off is to invite the human host to church (the host doesn't realize he's a wolf, the two are separate). the host will likely not be harmed but the wolf (trapped in place) will be burning to death. It won't die, but it will be super pissed off.

Think ralph from rampage, but he's bloodlusted as hell and when aggro'd, turns into this:


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WYR press the button to earn $1 billion ("the snail" but more difficult):

If you press the button, you'll earn $1 billion tax-free immediately, but 48 hours later, a humanoid robot will spawn, with the sole purpose of its life to kill you.

The humanoid robot has the following superpowers:

(1) Looks exactly like a human, functions exactly like a human, with body temperature of a human.

(2) Has body and mental abilities of a typical 25 year old human, with an IQ of 150.

(3) Can change its sex at will (cooldown time: 72 hours)

(4) Never ages, never gets tired, never naturally falls ill.

(5) Can be killed with any method that would normally kill a human (like bullet, brute force, poison, high temperature, etc)

(6) Has two fully legal identities: one male, one female.

(7) Has normal human emotions, but its biggest purpose of life is to kill you (like some hopelessly brainwashed cult believers)

(8) It always knows your legal name (even after name/nationality change), appearance (but won't recognise you if you change it too much, just like a human), and approximate location (with an error of 5 kilometers). Aka it will know that you're "definitely somewhere within this circle with a diameter of 10,000 meters", with a 66.7% probability of being in a smaller circle with a diameter of 3,679 meters.

(9) It wants to kill you no matter what, even if it means inflicting its own death, or killing many innocents. After killing you, this robot will kill itself because its purpose is lost.

But also the following handicaps:

(1) Its body will turn red in 5 seconds, whenever it hears the Soviet Anthem played aloud (detectable by normal human ear at its location).

(2) You having sex with it will kill it. (No matter the male or female form, but other humans having sex with it won't kill it). And it's very horny (again, no matter the gender).

(3) Cannot ever enter North Korea (entering North Korea will automatically explode it).

Will you press the button to earn $1,000,000,000 and start the challenge?

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Would you rather be a Golf Ball Diver or a Professional Mourner?

Golf Ball Diver: Retrieves golf balls from water hazards on golf courses and sells them back to golfers or golf shops.

Professional Mourner: Attends funerals and wakes to provide emotional support and mourn as part of the grieving process.

WYR need less sleep or get free time everyday to work on yourself?
  • Only need 6 hours of sleep, no trouble falling and staying asleep and you get 4 random waking hours a day where you are highly motivated, dedicated and focused on whatever you want to do(you don't know when it will hit but it will be when you're awake)

  • Get 2 hours a day where time stops still and you get transported to a place where you can work on self improvement/maintenance like the gym/exercise, reading, meditating, learning a skill, practicing, cooking, drawing. You don't have access to electronics except if the skill you are trying to learn requires that, then you have access to what it is required to learn it. After 2 hours you go back to reality/Time restarts. It will be a fixed time everyday of your choosing(i.e. 8:15am everyday).you have access to a gym, a kitchen, and a comfy room. If there is a further cost component you still have to pay normally(ex. For cooking it be the groceries, reading it be the book itself, learning a skill be like if wanted to take a Udemy class still have to pay for that, a guitar for guitar lessons etc)

Neither option negatively impacts aging/doesn't make you age faster

WYR be forever vergin for 500 million dollars or be the only man among 4 billion women

I just saw this in a meme with the Morpheus with the two pills format. Just want to know what y'all think.

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How do you put those pol options that give you the choice to vote?

How do you put those pol options that give you the choice to vote?
