Heritage Valley

“This guy’s thumb: loaded with appendage vibes”

Heritage Valley

I will be eating 50 hot dogs in 10 minutes behind the burned out 7-11 on Ellerslie Road. Parking is limited.


We don’t even have turnstiles in LRT stations, what makes these people think the city would even be capable of implementing this for entire neighborhoods?

They're a games studio now and the website has been lost to time, but reading about the little details behind how Preloaded made Tongsville was the first time I remember thinking it would be fun to make websites for a living.

There's no HTML at all for the header on the homepage. This isn't a CSS thing, it's coming from either his Wordpress theme or one of the settings in the CMS itself.

Every time I use border-radius I have flashbacks to the days of using tables with a separate png for each corner.

Heritage Valley

It swerved to avoid an ATB.

At a previous job, we used Local and it was a pain to Google any issues that came up related to it.

Heritage Valley

I went to St. FX with Jamie Lundmark who was drafted by the Rangers a the summer after we graduated. Someone pointed out the connection, I checked our yearbook, and had no recollection of ever seeing him. Apparently he only barely showed up to enough classes to graduate,

I think it gets easier with experience, don't overthink it for now. Once you've used grid and flexbox and whatever else a bunch of times, you get very familiar with the pros and cons of each approach and are more confident in choosing the right tool for each task.

I've used WikiMedia's free API for a few CodePens where I just wanted some random data.

Heritage Valley

Is it The Penguin?

Heritage Valley

When asked for comment, Adam Kirby of no fixed address said “it’s criminal we don’t have her Insta handle” before vomiting in his shoes and staring down a squirrel.

Just below the hero, you've got a large image has a srcset value, but it only uses 1x and 2x versions of that file. That image tends to scale with the screen, so I'd recommend switching that up so takes the image dimensions into consideration, like outlined here. As it currently stands, the 3840px wide version of the file loads on a high-res laptop monitor, which is great, but also the same image loads on a high-res phone, which, on a 2x screen that's ~375px wide means it only really needs an image that's 750px wide, the rest of the image data being loaded is redundant.

At the bottom, you've got those "Ask AI to write for you", "Auto Complete", and "Summarizer" screenshots. On small screens, those images are so tiny that's really difficult to read the text in them without zooming in, and the whole point of the images is that you should be able to read the text in them.

Under "How is it useful?" all the headlines change color on hover, even though only the "Students" one is clickable.

That favicon is hard to make out. I get it's supposed to be the same logo in the header, but it's so condensed that looks like dark lines on a darker background.

On the FAQ page, clicking the title of the accordion should open the panel. As it stands now, you can only open it by clicking the arrow.

I've run into this before. The actual y position of the ripped background is likely a fraction, and that black line is the background of the parent container. You can fix it by adding margin-top:-1px or something similar to the element with the rip image.

When I was a teenager in the 90s, I had a Geocities site where I wrote all the HTML, probably in all caps and without quotation marks around values, and guess-and-checked hex values until I found something not-horrible. I didn't really know how the internet worked so I emailed someone and was like "Hey, is it cool if I put a link to your website on mine?" My first "serious" site was the portfolio site I made towards the end of college that was made in Flash.