NTA. Actions have consequences. They were asked to stop. They chose to push your boundaries.

Being fair and firm is legit proper behavior.

My next-door neighbor had a peanut allergy and adhd. I'm glad I knew him. My daughter has adhd. Knowing about it made getting help easier.

He may have been a DNR case. Might be how he wanted to go out. I'm sorry you had to see that.

I associate orange with anger. Purple is way too easygoing to best orange.

This happened to me and my husband on our wedding day. Pastor chuckled and kept going. Rural enough yard that it wasn't really that loud.

NTA. You had the horse first. Why did he choose to date a horse person?

NTA. Praise the effort for trying out. She knew she might not make the cut. Learning how to not be selected gracefully is an important life skill.

That is so wholesome. I bought my 5'2" husband a folding stepstool and some grabbers.

I'm having a functional rhinoplasty next month. My septum turns at a 90° angle. My doctor said my case is special and that it is one of his favorite surgeries. Yay?

When my husband and I were dating, he asked why I didn't get the thin lenses for my glasses. They were the thin lenses. I'm -10 and let the optical shop folks help me find frames.

Yay for glasses!

I got my first cavities while pregnant with my oldest child. Little calcium vampire.

NTA. Sarah needs some other parent friends. Swapping babysitting is much more equitable than using family. Sarah lost a good thing by feeling entitled to your time.

Invite her to visit you or to meet up at a different location. I wouldn't want to go to her house either. Your time is valuable.

I'm sorry this happened to your son. My daughter bit a couple of times in preschool. She stopped when she got bit by another kid. It is so frustrating. Definitely make a report.

NTA. You offered to get her coat. Next time, give her your coat and go get hers.

2 seems like it would be fun for baby to look at.

I have soap savers (mesh bags) that I use for soap bits and travel soap bars. I keep a plastic soap dish in my toiletry bag to take home any soap I open on travel.


I'd be sorely tempted to send screenshots to every member of that Facebook group.

My husband got an email about an aggressive goose from the safety officer at his job.

Reasons I've gotten new phones:

  1. I couldn't update apps.
  2. Destroyed with water (x2)
  3. Old phone couldn't download pokemon go (still play daily)

The phone is for my convenience. When it no longer fits my needs, I get a new one. I buy outright and plan to keep for at least two years.

Meat eater here. Is it food? Then, I don't care if it has meat or not. Vegetarian and vegan food is often delicious.