Around 11k shares spread in 3 accounts

Unless you're in a hurry to get it, why overpay? Just wait it out.

I wouldn't recommend seeing a CPA, unless they are a cross border specialist. Most likely, a tax lawyer with cross border expertise is your best bet.

CPA here. Here are my $0.02 on why you're having trouble:

  • we like to work with recurring clients. We're willing to have startup costs with a client if we know income will be recurring

  • for a small file that requires a tax memo/opinion, it's not worth the risk of an error happening and potentially needing to make an E&O insurance claim

  • the rules around the proposed capital gains change are not law yet, it could always change last minute, like it did with UHT and bare trusts (both within the last year)

I also wouldn't accept this sort of mandate. Costs outweigh the benefits.

Just under $500k invested in XEQT

I may be preaching to the choir, but I'm pretty much all in on XEQT. TFSA, RRSP, and non-registered ---> XEQT. Do I have FOMO when I see others posting about their skyrocketing stocks? Maybe.... but remember - for every post about fortunes being made on risky stocks, there are untold stories of major losses.

I am done with stock picking and looking for the next win. Slow and steady growth gives me more peace.

39 with 16-21 years till retirement.

There's a fallacy in your question. No one is objectively ugly. It's all subjective.

Yes, regular buys and sells from 2009-2021. Don't need that kind of stress anymore. I'm happy to ride the XEQT wave now.

Yes. More likely to not hold cheque deposits, more likely to return your call, ect. But they still have their internal procedures to follow.

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Yes they can murder, rape, and dismember civilians. How brave they are...

Greatest news ive seen all day. She should lose her job

Justifying and celebrating the murder of innocent Israelis on the day of the massacre is definitely anti semitism.