Let's be real. He was mostly good for us (that own goal was horrendous, a jarring memory), but he's not on that list even without it.

Don't know who did it first, but whoever created that UI-mechanic is a genius.

EDIT: It's XrossMediaBar

What a ball ache.

OneDrive Settings (gear icon) > Storage Metrics > (Folder View - choose the folder ie. Documents) > (find file(s) in question with large file size - click on the file) > press “Delete All Versions” (if you are sure you don't need the file history)

Really intuitive. Thanks Microsoft.

When my dad taught me DOS commands. I was probably 6-7 at the time, I remember where I was, where the 'family PC' was, in my underwear messing about with what I just learned. It blew my mind.

Spent a lot of time playing Prince of Persia, California Games, Syndicate, etc then we got internet. Forget the BBS days, it was very brief, but then it was like a whole new world came up.

I had my own site up on geocities for PC cheats/walkthroughs (not that I was a cheater mind, I just knew these sites were popular) when I was 10-11. Ripping off content from game-revolution and weirdly enough uploading my SimTower save files for people who needed help with that. Had the 'Open for 24-hours' gif and everything. Haven't stopped since (I did stop using gifs though).

In 1 day this person went from 'relatively new to this field' to an 'expert', amazing 

The OS image you downloaded is ~64GB right?

Without modifying the image the extra free space on the SD card will not be usable. So let's put that issue to one side.

The folder structure of the OS is pretty clear, here it is: https://i.imgur.com/HQBbf4N.png 

You can see the ROM, BIOS etc folders. If you don't see this, are you sure you are flashing your image correctly? Did you use the built-in Disk Utility app on your Mac? Or something else?

Very similar experience. Got a RG35XX H a couple of weeks ago and loaded up Chrono Trigger and FFVI. Both games I've always started but never finished them. It's such a joy going back to these games.

As others have said, it was between Mourinho and Rafa to get the job after Houllier. One big factor Rafa was chosen was because IIRC Rick Parry believed Mourinho's goal celebration/antics with Porto against United was not befitting of a Liverpool manager. And we got #5 and the rest is history.

I wholeheartedly disagree. It's the only mentality you should aspire to if you want to win. No one is pissing on anyone, it's a call to elevate and get better.

Surely you can't expect to always have the best car

No, but a team with their recent success would at least expect to compete for first. Had their issues been reliability (see Kimi at McLaren) it would probably be an easier pill to swallow. But to be so far off Red Bull that it means second in the constructors is (performance wise) a huge failure.

Similar in football terms to a club like Real Madrid, second in the league is a failure no matter what the circumstances. Good doesn't cut it.

Can you access your movie library on Windows? In Powershell you can do something like that pretty easily.

Open up powershell, navigate to your movie library, put this command:

Tree D:\Movies /F | Select-object -Skip 2 | Set-Content D:Movies-File-list.txt

Where "D:\Movies" is your movie library. The generated file is the last bit, D:Movies-file-list.txt

Buying the same wonderkids/hits. If I'm doing a league 2 play, sure maybe. But if I play as Liverpool (which is usually the first play of every FM for me), I will never buy the same players that I got before. It's boring imo.

Arabic is even the second official language in Israel.

Not anymore. In 2018 Israel passed the 'nation-state law' which says:

  • It states that “the right to exercise national self-determination” in Israel is “unique to the Jewish people.”

  • It establishes Hebrew as Israel’s official language, and downgrades Arabic — a language widely spoken by Arab Israelis — to a “special status.”

  • It establishes “Jewish settlement as a national value” and mandates that the state “will labor to encourage and promote its establishment and development.”