Of course I went to this game lol, was so much fun until the end there

I don’t want to target anyone to spend on, I want to sell as many non-future pieces as possible and stock up for our playoff window

You seem like a very pleasant person to be around

Damn they aren’t even trying to be subtle anymore

This man is an S tier game developer. Despite all the problems, he actually listens to and responds to the community, and is dedicated to improving the experience for everyone. All my homies love Pilestedt

Offense finally shows up, pitching fucks us haha what are the odds

I just lost my 35. But progress is progress my man, we just gotta keep trying

Having trouble getting off the bottle, I’ve been in your position. Drink everyday, gave no shits. I been getting shakes and withdrawal is a bitch but I know it’s worth it

Why is Usyk slowing down? I get it if he’s tired but he’s letting Fury get his brain back

This is one of the greatest fights I have ever seen

Fury’s ability to take absolute blasts is ridiculous

CANNOT believe the people calling this 6-1

Anyone notice how Fury legs look like sticks lol

Please boxing gods, give us a knockout either way, we need that moment