I think the one I know went from the first type to the second type once the mask crumbled. Any idea if that's typical? I'm definitely no expert, but it's interesting in a weird way.

I think it can be hard to tell if a person is a narcissist based on a one-time interaction or brief encounters. Some people are just complainers, and some are legit depressed. Either can be hard to talk to, at least for me, because I'm awkward and never know what to say, especially with people I don't know well.

Now, I do know a narcissist l, but it took me a while before I saw that side of him. He was married to an old friend of mine, and it was a good while before he started showing his true colors, and even longer before others started noticing the patterns. Maybe that's just my experience, but it seems like they don't always announce themselves straight away.

Everyone has their own eccentricities, but some people really are just whinging energy vampires. I'm assuming that's what op is referring to. Honestly, those type of people wear me out faster than usual because my natural response is to be blunt with them, but then that's not always appropriate depending on the situation, so I feel like I just sit there enduring and it's exhausting.

Yes, there is quite a bit of merchandise that's only in parks. You can try emailing their merchandising department and asking if they have these items and if you could purchase them. I've contacted them in the past regarding an item that was out of stock when I was there last time, and they were awesome helping me out. It's worth a try.

Yeah, I have similar issues at times, but found connecting at earlier times in the day helps.

Do you think him talking with any of your Healthcare providers or going to therapy would help him understand any better? I know a lot of people aren't very open to this, but just a thought. I find it's really hard for people to understand sensory issues sometimes, especially when they think they should be the exception to the issue for some reason.

I hope things improve for you guys. I'm sorry I don't have more ideas for you.

Have you tried being intimate earlier in the day without the expectation that you go directly to bed/sleep afterwards? I mean, you can have your time together, and then you can both get up and carry on with the rest of your day. There's nothing saying you can only touch each other at night, especially when you seem to have different needs with winding down for the night.

I'm so glad you all gave it a try! I love traveling to cities with train systems because driving in an unfamiliar place stresses me tf out lol

Put your foot down and tell them to use the train or uber if wherever you're going is too far from a metro stop. I will never understand why so many are hesitant to use train systems. It's very easy to use a map and Google which stops and lines are closest to the sights you want to see.

Hope you feel better after a rest!

I usually wake up early because it's very quiet in the hotel rooms, and then I start hearing other guests waking up. Can't say I've experienced the tetris effect, though. I've definitely been very sore after a couple of days of rides, though. However, this doesn't really affect my sleep much.

I did this years ago, and I think all I needed was the marriage papers to show change of name. The instructions will for sure be there on the US passport website, though.

I don't think you need your birth certificate again since you already have your passport, but even if you did, just request a copy from the county you were born in. Then you're not relying on figuring out where your parents put it anytime you need this document.

I'd try cross posting to r/disneyparks if you haven't already. Also, if you're a member of any Disney parks Facebook groups, I'd post there, too. I feel like the Facebook groups are more active with people actually in the parks. Hopefully, lost and found gets back to you, though

Good luck!

Tipping is for servers at full service restaurants. You should also tip food delivery drivers and uber/lyft drivers if you use those services here.

Also, I know you said you can't get a credit card, but hopefully, you have some sort of other card. Bringing that much cash isn't really something I would advise, but maybe I misunderstood your wording.

I'm a millennial, and actually like tiktok. My fyp is extremely tailored at this point, and I get a lot of stuff that relates to my interests and things that genuinely make me laugh. But, everyone likes different media formats, so it's not going to be something everyone likes.

Also, is there really anything that serious about millennials on tiktok? All I ever see is back and forth banter with gen z., but curious what I'm missing

I really like my Nike react infinity sneakers. The cushioning and arch support seem to last forever, even outlasting the uppers on my last pair.

I also wear Vans with comfycush sometimes, and while they're nice for work, or short errands or something, I wouldn't go walking long distances in them.

Yeah, I don't know the exact situation with your work. But, I mainly just listen to co-workers. I just sort of nod and say, "yeah" at appropriate moments. There's literally no way I would talk about the majority of the stuff I hear co-workers talk about. It's so weirdly personal sometimes. I don't know if that's an option for you or what the scenario is. And then, I go home, and that's it. I guess I've never really cared or even thought about if they talk behind my back.

In general, yes. Also, my dad is a boomer, and the stuff he says sometimes drives me nuts! I really don't understand the overall negativity they seem to have towards the world.

Aside from drinks in park, I always carry water bottles in our bags. Those can also be refilled at most of the freestyle stations or at a water fountain.

Also, from the who hash stand, the other flavors of tots are all really good. Also, seconding the crepe stand. We have also gotten the Spare ribs and chicken platter and the beef pasties from Three Broomsticks and thought both were good. There's also a jacket potato stand outside Diagon Alley that's good for a snack. Butterbeer iced cream is also really good in case you missed it last time. Florean Fortescues has lots of interesting flavors, but I think I've enjoyed the butterbeer soft serve the most.

I don't know why this title made me laugh so much.

But anyways, I'd just ignore it. I know someone who constantly goes off about the irrefutable proof he's seen for Bigfoot and aliens. Even if they do exist, how does that affect me? I just don't engage in the conversation because it's pointless. The topic changes soon enough.

I've never had an issue with Frontier or Spirit, but I know they have less flights going, so if it gets canceled, you may have a wait. But, even with paying baggage fees, they were still so much cheaper than the alternatives. I paid about $40 a seat on my last Frontier flight, and I'm a member, so my kids flew free. I mean, kinda hard to beat. I suppose we've been lucky with no cancellations so far, though.

Usually not. The only time I was annoyed was when some construction workers that were working in the hotel started partying off the backs of their cars/trucks in the parking lot, and my room was facing the lot. The cops actually showed up, and they scattered, so thankfully, it wasn't all night. But, other than that, I'm usually fine. When I start hearing multiple doors closing in the hallway, I figure it's probably time to get up anyways so I'm not wasting my day on vacation.

Do you not have a drive-thru wash around you? Or, can you do it at home with a bucket of soapy water and then just use a regular hose to rinse? Doesn't have to be a pressure washer.

:Slyth2: Slytherin

I think the personality disorders that typically go along with this behavior also usually have manipulation as a symptom too. So they take things that most people perceive as cute or wholesome and use it as a tactic.

No, I get it. I go to England sometimes to visit family, and last time, it was 12 degrees, but somehow ridiculously humid in the house. Any chance your friend has a different blanket at least?

:Slyth2: Slytherin

3 because I think he'd just sit there quietly

Same here lol

But also, I think I disliked it when I was younger as well. I didn't really like my name. Now, I don't mind my name as much, but it's still weird to hear it called, especially from my husband