I was referring to Doordash itself not the act of getting the deliveries. Just for reference though, some people need to use the service when they are recovering from sickness or surgery temporarily.

Sorry NuConcept, but I need to say this.
I care a lot about the food I deliver, I have hot food and pizza bags and I use them every time.. I care about the customer the same I would like to be cared about. I don't understand how some of these Bad Dashers justify their actions toward customers. If you bring food that looks like it went through a compactor or has obviously been opened and disturbed how do you expect to get tips? Now you say that if the customer tipped better then you would care more about their food right? Those same customers that you complain about that have a Mercedes, a Porsche, or even a broke down vehicle in the driveway that didn't tip you gave me a $5 tip after delivery. Do you want to know why? Their food arrived hot and still sealed. I said "thank you for your order" either in person or text when I walked all the way to their door and handled the food like it was my own. If you don't want to do the job right then why do the job at all? I could almost guarantee that if all of the Dashers did the job they were Hired to do, to the BEST of their ability, the customers wouldn't have a problem tipping us. I'm not saying everyone would tip well, but the value and frequency of bigger tips would increase significantly.

Doordash is not and never will be a luxury service lol

Lower quality paint a lot of times is thinner than high quality paint. It shouldn't be that hard to check the difference and then you'll know if they are trying to substitute the cheaper paint into the higher paint cans. I hope everything is working out for you.

I'm trying to figure out how much room she needs to get through an area. That space could nearly allow another box truck to go through from Wayfair. Driving a 45' charter bus through the streets in NYC was a nightmare. That space would have been a challenge, but I believe I could have done it in the charter bus LoL.

In the very rare case that I would take an order like this I would do my job and take it to the DOOR. We work for doordash and the instructions for delivery are not up for debate. When it says leave at the door that's what we do, not leave wherever the *uck we want to leave it. If you aren't going to do the job then quit and the rest of us will do the job. Sorry I get a bit twisted about shit like this because I was taught at a very young age that if you accept a job, then you do that job to the very best of your ability or don't do it at all. May you all be blessed in everything you do.

I am so very sorry you had to experience this. It's really sad that this one bad apple ruins it for the rest of us in the bushel though. I hope you continue to order so us good apples can still give you the service you deserve. For sure this Dasher needs to reevaluate if this is the job for him. Dashing is not that hard of a job and getting that worked up should never happen especially in our world today. There is enough crap going on without having to deal with people like this driver. I'm glad you reported and down rated him. Please have a good day and may you be blessed in all that you do.

$5 here in Wichita is the highest I've seen, but I guess there are times that $7.50 pops up.

Here in Wichita Kansas that would be a pretty good quote.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the second instruction of "leave at door" is directly from the customer marking an option when ordering isn't it? The"hand to customer" is the default from the app.

A lot of times we do notice.

It's really sad that a lot of the opinions expressed here are based on the couple/few dozen Dashers on this sub. There are literally thousands of Dashers out here that deliver exactly how the instructions are written every hour of every day. Is our job as Dashers really hard? No it isn't. Is our job as Dashers easy? No it isn't. I'm sorry that there are so many of you that have had bad experiences with the probably 5% maximum angry and illiterate Dashers. To lump 99.9% of Dashers into this group simply isn't accurate or fair to those of us that bust our asses every day to make sure the deliveries are done to the very best the customer deserves. That very best is what we strive for on every delivery every time we turn on our app. I've worked in customer service and delivery of more than my fair share of products in most places East of the Rio Grande in the United States, and even a few places you wouldn't want to send your worst enemy, so in no way am I new to this game. What I don't get is what happened to common sense, self worth, honesty, how about looking out for your neighbor? We all know that the government and corporations aren't looking out for us. They are just sitting in their ivory towers laughing at us while we pick each other apart so they can come in and collect the bones. Sorry about getting on my soap box, but come on people is this really worth how we talk and treat each other in these subs? Maybe I'm just a dreamer, but I don't think so.

I literally watched another person in an apartment complex walk by a no contact order drop off stop, look at the food and drink from Wendy's, pick it up and walk back to his apartment at the other end of the building. I couldn't believe what I was watching. It was like when you can't look away from a car wreck or a house fire lol. I told the customer and DD customer service and the person did get their food after a reorder and such fun stuff. I just couldn't believe someone would have the nerve to stop at someone's door and grab their food. I guess it's like any other thief though, they have absolutely no regard for other people's property.

If it's a leave at door and the customer opens the door or comes out to get the order then I always ask if it's ok for me to take a picture. I've never had anyone say no don't take my picture with the food you just brought to me. Unfortunately demanding a picture can be considered invasion of privacy. Depending how the customer wants to pursue it you could end up in some legal issues with that one.

I'm so for the rioting. The prices keep going up and our pay isn't keeping up.

Hell, I'd love getting $2 tip per mile here in Wichita especially how the zones are set up. I really have to think about the orders that pick up downtown and go to Andover or Park City\Valley Center. I realize we don't have to take those orders if we don't want to, but i've gotten quite a few tip after deliveries that way which apparently is not very common. Maybe it's my smile 😁 Being the devil's advocate here, but I don't think orders can always just be grouped together as ones that newbies and crappy drivers should take and ones that experienced supposedly great drivers will take. If I'm the customer and I am constantly getting crappy service from a delivery service because I live farther away than other customers, I would be crazy to give a high bid for service that I am not going to get anyway.

Wow no wonder we legit Dashers are having so many issues. My wife and I dash together because we are both disabled and have to switch off when we start hurting too much. We just don't understand the job ethics some people have nowadays. If you are going to do the job, do it to the very best of your ability or don't do the job at all. If we could get rid of all the posers and unprofessional idiots out here I bet us Dashers that give a shit about customer service could make a half way decent wage. Of course that's just a dream because it will never happen. So sorry for the rant.

Yeah the whole thing is jankey. No way a driver should sit in front of your house for any longer than to maybe write down their info for that order. 2-3 maybe 5 min max would be acceptable, but even then the driver is going to make the customer nervous about going outside. The customer doesn't know you, and in this world you never know what kind of freak is driving around our neighborhoods lol. I know we all had to pass a basic background check, but Jeffery Dahmer passed a background check at one point also . The 10 for away crap is just completely unprofessional and some very crappy customer service. If you are going to have your kid, spouse, friend, or whatever helping you then you take the risk of getting deactivated, but at least provide great customer service then the customer won't have a reason to show your lover's picture to the bosses at all.

Omg, no wonder it seems to take an act of Congress to get regular tips. Now don't get me wrong there are some people that know that we are lucky to get $2.50-$3.00 out of those fees and delivery charges and will tip us. The problem seems to be that our CEO, CFO, etc don't care if we get tips or not. As long as they can drive their Porsche or Range Rover and live in their 2500+ sq. ft. home that's all they care about. They forget that without us lowly pee-ons driving and delivering items to all kinds of people they wouldn't have their $50,000+ cars and $500,000+ home. Ok I'm getting back of my soap box now. Maybe more of us should just start our own local delivery services charging reasonable fees and put these rich yahoos back out to pasture. Just an idea 💡😜

I guess it would depend on if I needed the 5 star rating to keep my average up. Also my car gets close to 40mpg so a 20 mile round trip only costs me like $2 in gas so that's no biggie imo. Driving hourly is one of those things that really depends on where you live if it's worth doing it or not I would think. If I lived in a city that was super spread out it may very well not be worth it. My city is literally like 10 miles from one side to the other so most orders are only 2 or 3 miles total.