In hyperbolic geometry, there’s a shape called the apeirogon, which is a regular polygon with infinite sides of positive length.

It gets worse before it gets better. Eventually (if you stick with it enough), you’ll reach a point where you can actually rebuild those things in your head without needing to remember them.

This is of course the most valid opinion. Science is utterly worthless and yields lesser understandings of the world than those obtained through such degrees such as philosophy, mathematics, and hairstyling.

It’s the dimension of the kernel of the quotient map relating variables that are out there to variables collected

or, simpler, the least number of additional variables you would need to completely describe a dataset.

I know you didn't ask, but that's a difficult combination of things. A vast majority of the student athletes here end up majoring in business or something comparatively less strenuous.

Don’t forget the slavery and body horror!

There‘s enough story for an entire website page of trigger warnings

sounds like litrpg to me.

honesty thought this was a cj at first, cause what you’re describing is totally in the vein of litrpg.

game fiction is only if it’s actually a video game, and I haven’t heard of weird fantasy before.

The part where you do some math wrong in the ultimate responsibility impossiblism part was funny to me

Ring with a field in it after forgetting you can multiply by things not in the field

Infinity, by lay people

Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, by philosophers + psychologists +popsci writers

Returning students get access to a campus-wide scholarship application. Being active in my major + getting good grades got my tuition paid for for next year.

one of the best pieces of writing advice I’ve ever received is that it’s possible to have a character be too good or too evil. Even the devil has good days, and administers a sort of justice, and a heroine with no flaws is boring for the same reason.

I suggest you look at any of the numerous works of fiction that have managed to either grant personality flaws to angels (relatively rare) or assign sympathetic traits to the devil (relatively common) for inspiration. For instance:

Good Omens (book/tv show)

Paradise Lost

Lucifer (TV show, the devil goes to therapy)

The Good Place (TV show, demons are occasionally shown as sympathetic)

Mage and Demon Queen (Webtoon, the title characters are lesbians)

Kill 6 Billion Demons (Webcomic, transfem angel grows to accept herself)

Purgatony (YouTube series, office comedy set in purgatory)

Some authors will use *almost* a brand name. The most extreme example of this I've seen is The Wyrms of &alon, which goes to far as to rename entire fantasy franchises and characters with strange puns in order to reference their themes wholesale.

Anamander Rake becomes Catamander Brave, and so on.

Force pushing is a gateway to the dark side. Sure, it seems harmless enough at first, but before you know it, you’re using force lightning and throwing your boss down a garbage chute.

Able to make poodles appear anywhere. It’s all fun and games until a dog bursts out of the villain’s chest. Admittedly, this is a bit of a comical twist, but humor can be edgy if you play it off right.

*Training Thundering Brilliant Energy Thark Rifle +2*