Well now he’s making celebrity connections he’s never had access to before and he’s going to want to party… I can’t see him getting locked down. Even if they do… no he is just into wayyyy different woman.. historically!

Convinced she leans into it now bc it suits the relatable aesthetic

And then there is Chappell roan .. like no back track the mic is always onnnnnn

Okay another ridiculous die hard.. TAYLOR GREW UP RICH TOO!! I can’t

I’m not even an Arianna fan but she should have definitely make this list. Her vocal range and control is insane

I can’t remember where I saw it but someone said there brother was there that night and she look like 20 takes of this picture to get the right one.. super cringe

He had an affair and was also caught , they adivorced but kept it quiet bc it would look bad for taylor’s career

No one is going to comment on how inappropriate this photo is ?? ontop of the blind items that question her and her sons relationship.. ?

Yes so they did acknowledge that the original children were/ most likely were - victims of rape and incest.. the rest however is unfortunately unbelievable. As someone who has been sexual abused when I was 6 the stories are not real. Also do you actually think you can shove a baguette into someone’s anus?? Common

Yes that’s true. It would be wild if that got leaked though before any actual leaks of him talking about drugs or sex. Guess we’ll find out

I dunno… is there any confirmation it is them? I highly doubt it actually is.

It’s not - it’s audio from a videoed porno. Already been debunked

Fearless is her best selling album and behind that is 1989… she can’t grow up lyrically/ and antically because she would loose all the new young fans coming up the ranks that wouldn’t be able to relate. By keeping up the high school antics , her at 34, she can still continue the gravy train $$

Think you’re not understanding what I’m saying…. I said “I could see HIM wanting to be the next John Cena” not that I could 🙄

Oh I agree.. I’m just saying I think that’s him and his teams plan and what he wants

People need to look into his old tweets.. making fun of people with autism and girls who are larger (he said it was more offensively) it’s amazing the clean sweep they have done of him