I can understand liking it (and I understand i’m gonna get downvoted for this), but a masterpiece?

Also not in a weird stalker way. Just curious on if our boys are back with game grumps.

New set?

So I was watching the new podcast and they mentioned they filmed the talking show back in the day in the other room. I was just wondering if that was like a game grumps office thing or where they’ve moved to after the supermegaplex?

Help finding song

Hey, so i’ve had this lost song stuck in my mind but I can’t find it. It came out before 2020 and the cover is a guy with a smiley face covering his head sitting on the ground surrounded by records, and he might have been holding a keyboard. I also remember the song featuring the word “ sunshine” I believe.

Maybe i’m just being picky, glad you can provide an opposing point without coming off as rude

Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed that in both. She’s still a great actor, but just slightly makes me lose immersion.

If you read my post I basically say i’m probably the only one, but was just curious to see if I was just being kinda picky. You don’t gotta be a dick about it man

I don’t think diversity can save an unfocused and aimless plot. This whole movie was “oh I know that actor!” with no substance.

this looks like a mission character