It's 25% parsley which can be recycled into dirt by composting it, and 75% non-recyclable micro-plastics.

RX4006ti | i4-1337X | 33.01GB Crucair RAM | 1.35TB Knigsotn SSD

Look at the text below the image.

"Use the contrast setting, and maybe gamma to improve the display of the darker squares"

So you'll want contrast and gama.

Black stabilizer is a setting that massively boosts dark colors to make dark areas in games easier to see in. It shouldn't be used for any monitor calibration adjustments. It's a nice setting to have in dark games where you just want to be able to see instead of letting the game decide you don't get to see well in that area.

RX4006ti | i4-1337X | 33.01GB Crucair RAM | 1.35TB Knigsotn SSD

If the fan isn't hitting a cable while making that noise then the fan has gone bad.

  • Bend a piece of filament with a really tight bend. PETG will usually handle bending like that without snapping. PLA might snap depending on the PLA.

  • Put water on the stove and heat it to 65C. Dip a small piece of filament in the water for a minute then see how easily it bends. PLA should become very bendy at 65C.

  • Attempt extruding material at 180C on the printer. PLA will extrude easier than PETG, if the PETG even extrudes at all.

RX4006ti | i4-1337X | 33.01GB Crucair RAM | 1.35TB Knigsotn SSD

It could have been put on a truck that is taking a couple days on the road before it gets to the next amazon warehouse.

RX4006ti | i4-1337X | 33.01GB Crucair RAM | 1.35TB Knigsotn SSD

Something probably got loose. Unplug and replug all the things. Ram, GPU, SSD, power cables, and anything else that be easily unplugged and replugged.

Are you talking about printing a lithophane? If it's just a lithophane you want, AI image upscaling works pretty decently to give a sharper image.

There are AI models which can generate 3D models but the fidelity of the models aren't good enough for 3D printing. They make it look good on a computer screen with a texture and smooth shading, but 3D printers don't print the texture and real life objects don't have smooth shading like models in a computer do.

It's not just a few. The point of bots is that they are automated so they can do way more than create just a few accounts if there is nothing stopping the bot, like a captcha that is difficult for the bot to solve.

If it was just a few then it wouldn't be an issue requiring a captcha.


what country you are from that you have problems with devices?

I didn't say I have a problem with devices. I am just describing how normal microwaves work worldwide.

And also we have control over the power of the microwave for normal use...

Unless you have a fancy microwave that cost you like $1000+ and advertises having variable output, I assure you that it works the way I'm describing, even during defrost mode. 10% power means 100% magnetron power 10% of the time and 0% magnetron power 90% of the time. The microwave tricks you into thinking it is 10% power by continuing to spin and keep the light on, even though it's 10% duty cycle instead of 10% power.

Most microwaves use a duty cycle but call it a power level because that's just an easier term for most people to understand.


At least 5 pro-wheelchair drivers.

But seriously this is annoying for people who can walk normally too, or people with crutches, or elderly people who can manage stairs.

Especially the shin destroyer. They should be taking the tow hook off then it isn't in use. Not only is it a shin destroyer, but it's also the kind of thing that will turn a minor no-damage bump in traffic into a cracked bumper. Yeah, people shouldn't rear end people while driving, but people also shouldn't leave things attached to their vehicle that causes excessive damage during a slow bump that would otherwise cause no damage.

Yes and no.

The material itself is very clear and transparent, but your prints are going to come out looking like frosted glass because of how layer lines are in FDM prints, which will scatter the light that passes through the print.

Something cool you can do with material like that though is put an LED directly under a print facing up into the print. It creates a good lighting effect inside the print.

RX4006ti | i4-1337X | 33.01GB Crucair RAM | 1.35TB Knigsotn SSD

That means your c-clamp monitor mount isn't clamped tight enough, the bolts on the stand aren't tight enough, or your desk is too shaky. A gromet mount is unlikely to help.

If the problem is that it's not clamped to the desk tight enough, desk reinforcement can allow you to clamp it much tighter

RX4006ti | i4-1337X | 33.01GB Crucair RAM | 1.35TB Knigsotn SSD

Probably driver issues. Uninstall all the drivers related to the motherboard such as audio, network, and chipset drivers. Use DDU in safe mode to uninstall the graphics drivers. Then reinstall all the drivers.

Welcome to the future where AI gets so good at solving these that they will become harder and harder to solve until it's impossible for a human to solve but AI will be able to solve it.

AI is going to doom us, not by a robot uprising, but by locking us out of anything that requires captcha.

It appears to be a clothes drying stand. The clothes are being placed on it in an extremely inefficient manner that causes them to take longer to dry and take up the entire stand preventing someone else from sharing it at the same time.

Can you get a more clear picture? It could be mold but it could also just be thin crystaline buildup of the stuff from inside the bottle.

As long as the white stuff isn't mold, then it's perfectly safe and there's nothing wrong with it. It's normal for sauces to dry or cause buildup inside the lid like that.

RX4006ti | i4-1337X | 33.01GB Crucair RAM | 1.35TB Knigsotn SSD

Also this is not true. Modern CPUs peak in efficiency around 70C and keeping them bellow that will actually make them slightly slower due to electrothermals that are frankly above my level of understanding.

I'm very skeptical of this statement but if there's a decent source to read I'd like to find out more. This is directly contradictory to everything I've seen about overclocking or benchmarks where a lower temperature pretty much directly correlates to better benchmark scores and higher automatic boost clock speeds.

These are things enthusiasts care about. Average user does not know what thermal paste is

Average users may not understand the mechanisms of computers getting slower over time and that many slowness issues are a relatively simple fix, but they do care if their computer lasts them a year or three less even if they don't know that it's because it spent it's life being baked to death.

or see the difference between 38 dB and 42 dB fans.

Every decibel higher means people are more likely to notice it and dislike it, regardless of how enthusiast they are or not. Being annoyed by more noise is not exclusive to enthusiasts.

But... its Alienware. Everyone knows its shit.

Enthusiasts know it's shit and relatives/friends of enthusiasts might have been told it is shit. Despite that, a majority of regular users don't know that. That's why Dell has been able to get away with making Alienware desktops so awful for so long without the brand dying.

It's the shaders. They are probably applying some environmental lighting that is less blue.

I can't tell what the white stuff is, it's too blurry.


The problem is you can't really control that well enough. Most consumer microwaves are either full power or zero power. They defrost by running at full power then turning off the magnetron for a bit. Running at full power for 10% of the time could be enough to cook some spots especially in a microwave without good dispersion of the microwaves.

If someone has a commercial microwave with real power control that runs at 10% power instead of 100% power for 10% of the time, then defrosting in the microwave would probably work better.

I would. Meat defrosted in a microwave has an awful rubbery texture.

Although I suppose that also depends on how good someone is at cooking. If the cook sucks enough and overcooks the hell out of the meat until it is dry and awful, then it may become difficult to tell if it was microwaved or not.


2 3 and 4 are correct, but 1 isn't.

Electromagneitc radiation doesn't create bacteria, and the rate at which bacteria multiplies is dependent on temperature. EM radiation also doesn't affect how fast they multiply. If the meat is thawed within few minutes in the microwave, there won't be any more bacteria on/in the meant than other better methods of thawing that also take a few minutes without problems 3 or 4. Other methods of thawing fast could still cause problem 2 but it's pretty easy to tell if it's not fully thawed by poking it.

That looks like a ball of flavor powder that got fried with the chips