Now it start, the blustering dotard starts writing OFFICIAL ACT on incriminating evidence.

I wonder if his attorneys even tried to explain the ruling to him. Or maybe they're just telling him how OAN interpreted it because they don't understand it either.

Apparently criminals will be so baffled by the shittiness of the car that they'll forget windows exist.

Is this person high? How much car does this maniac think you should get for $80,000? That's like 1.6 new Hondas.

And unless they are talking about a ridiculously tricked out Beemer or some rare model, you aren't paying $100,000 for a BMW.

Thanks for clarifying. This site could help you locate private land that is on/adjacent to CW sites.

What's the saying? A libertarian is a Republican who wants to smoke weed.

If there's an annual prize for nauseating and inaccurate headlines that one should be in the running.

Given the sort of sewage he encourages on Xitter, they're talking about the arbeit macht frei sort of freeing.

Is negative certainty a thing?

How can they be aware that there might be liability if their razor road rhomboid slices someone else but not understand that telling the world that they're worried about liability makes it easier for the next victim to establish they were liable if they didn't take steps to fix it?

Oy, these people are just so very ignorant.

I feel bad for people who think they should stick their noses in other people's reproductive systems.

Oh wait, no I don't.

Given the centuries of blond haired/blue eyed Jesus, I can't get too upset about ripped Jesus. Also, this is at a local church. 

Sure, but I'm guessing they leave their room from time to time.

I was having my usual McMansion chuckle and suddenly "Oh crap, there's a kid living in here." And it wasn't funny.

I'm wondering how it worked. Did Himself tell a minion to track down the right people at Tesla to have them DM the Lamar MK on Twitter? That's assuming Musk did intervene rather than coincidence.

Did the South African Shwanz just signal to all CyberCult followers that they can expect prompt service if they Xeet at him? He did.

Laughs in crying.

I mean, trying to illustrate romantic/sexual attraction this way wasn't going to work because life is more complicated than the international symbols for male and female, but sheesh.

Sorry that happened. I know they aren't venomous but they're yucky and don't have any sense of personal space. Every spring they invade the house (much to the delight of spiders and house centipedes) but this year it was awful.

And because they smell bad the cats won't eat them.

"I'm 81 years old and think that postal carriers can decide what mail they will or won't deliver."

Send your snippy note to the company bugging you, embarrassing elder person.

Yes, quite ooooold. Unlike his 3-years younger opponent who has acted and spoken like a combative person with dementia since before his first presidency.

This is what he doesn't get. He heard "I can do whatever I want," and probably thinks it is a custom ruling just for him.

This latest bout of adults shouting "WE CAN'T LET CHILDREN SEE THIS!!!" probably increased the number of minors who looked at porn.