During the pandemic the owner of fuel and fuddle spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of their ppp loans on a yacht instead of paying their employees. Two guys I know who worked there were fucking partying when it closed. 

Derry Girls is an excellent show with an excellent ending. The whole show is framed around the violence and distress caused by the troubles. And the ending shows every character coming together to vote for the Good Friday agreement to end the fighting. It’s a beautiful meditation on the power democracy has to implement change for the betterment of all. 

Then at the last moment they cram in a bullshit cameo for Chelsea Clinton of all people. A great show whose last moment left a bad taste in my mouth. For me it totally ruined its status as a perfect show literally in the last minute. 

Absolutely incorrect. Trump’s ‘isolationism’ is a lie. He definitely supported the Venezuelan coup attempt in 2020. Hamas’ actions on Oct 7 were a direct result of the Abraham accords. There’s no way in hell Trump would be less supportive of Israel. Trump is just as hawkish towards China as Biden, if not more so. Trumps appeasement attitude towards Russia isn’t isolationism by any means. And don’t forget trump spent his presidency telling nato they need to be more militarized. Also his destroying the Iran nuclear deal has lead Iran to being even more militarized than it would have been. 

Nah, this ain’t right. I can hate Biden to my core and still know that Trump is worse in every way. Biden’s completely spineless but it’s absolutely true that Trump is fascist. 

 And it’s not just about Biden and Trump, it’s about the teams they bring in with them. You don’t vote for one person, you vote for thousands. Lina Khan is doing good work at the FTC. Trump would dismantle the FTC.  

Look, liberals want nothing more than to keep the course set. They don’t want to fix any underlying issues, they want business as usual. That sucks, but business as usual gives us as socialists way more room to work with than the Project 2025 hellscape would allow. 


I had the original Xbox but never had a 360. My brother and I played through the campaigns for halo 1 and 2 dozens and dozens of times. I still don’t know what happens in the third one. It’s been well over a decade 

Did he ever finish the fight?

A note that should be added to this is that big corporations can shop around the country to pick favorable jurisdictions to launch their suits in. Texas 8th (I think) district has some rabidly right wing judges, one of whom believes all federal regulations are illegitimate. So corporations are going to sue the government over basically every regulation and they have a fairly good chance to get anything they want thrown out, unless the particular law governing any given regulation is extremely specific, which they almost never are. 

Pittsburgh is one of the most affordable cities in the country right now. 

Everyone who makes less than 56k a year should know that there’s a program available- OwnPGH through the ura- that will give you a lot of money to buy a home in the city. I was given 90k. I now own a 175k house and my mortgage is less than I was paying for my last apartment (a one bedroom shoebox in squirrel hill). 

I and my wife moved here fresh out of college a few weeks before the pandemic hit. We’ve always felt it was the best possible town to move to.

Not just mature but brave. To go against his family’s beliefs and what he’s likely been taught his whole life. Even after losing family members himself he was still dedicated to educating himself and still caring about the humanity of everyone involved. 

That’s true strength of character

I mean. Drinker made a whole video reviewing the boys s4 talking about how garbage it is. And he explicitly said he did not watch it. I don’t think it’s crazy to think a bunch of his fans went and gave it negative reviews based on his review

I really don’t think people understand just how bad this decision is. Every regulation established by every federal agency now has to be called into question. There can now be lawsuits challenging every regulation not specifically dictated by the Congress itself, and all of those lawsuits must be decided by the Supreme Court itself under its made up, nonsense “major questions” doctrine. 

First off, that’s easy, I’ll even do you one better and give you three. 

Laws that strip felons of the right to vote were explicitly designed to disenfranchise black people despite being against one of the major principles this country was founded on. 


Voter id laws are specifically passed to suppress communities of color while doing exactly nothing to make the voting process more secure. 


The war on drugs was intentionally started not to combat drug use (it’s done nothing to curtail illicit drug use) but instead to have a reason to incarcerate black people and college kids who were both opposed to President Nixon. This is according to one of the people who helped conceive of it in the first place. 


But this all misses the bigger picture. Laws don’t have to mention race at all to be racist. “The purpose of a system is its outcomes” is a truism that applies to all aspects of the world. Black people receive higher prison sentences than white people for the exact same crime. A job application with a black name and a college degree is less likely to be called in for a job interview than a white name without a college degree. Black peoples receive worse health care because doctors don’t listen to them as much, or assume that black people have a higher pain tolerance. None of these require a law that says “you must do a racism”. 

The only questions are these: are black people disadvantaged in this country? The answer is an easily proven yes. Should something be done about this? The answer, so long as you believe in justice and equality, is a resounding yes. 

I hear you, when we found our house it had been posted online about an hour before we called to get a tour

No I just asked nicely. 

The city has a program to give lower income people $90k to buy their first home. 

Actually I didn’t even have to ask nicely, I pretty much just told my bank to email them. 

Went from a one bedroom shoebox, spending $1050 rent, not including electric with no dishwasher, no parking, and the ceiling was flooding the first month we moved in. To now having a $890 mortgage on the south side slopes. Rents so bad now I’ve saved money by buying the largest house I’ve ever lived in. 

How’d I do it? Easy! 

The city gave me $90,000. 

Mel Gibson has been in nine movies in the last two years. He has a wildly successful career. Rosanne Barr got a comedy special last year and is on a daily wire show that just came out. 

But the fact you seem to be missing is: both those people went on racist tirades. And as a result of which, some people no longer wanted to work with them and some people didn’t want to watch them anymore. Those are the natural consequences of their actions. 

If everyone you work with watched you go on a rant about how Jews are evil, and then you got fired, that would in no way prove that America doesn’t have a problem with antisemitism. 

Anyway, black people in this country get held back by systems that they had no choice but to be apart of. Black peoples are discriminated against because of how they’re born, not what they do. 

Stripping the right to vote for felons was done specifically to prevent black people from voting in the south. There is no reason to strip a citizen of their right to vote. No taxation without representation. 


Voter id laws do nothing to make elections more severe but do disproportionately affect black people. This has nothing to do with people being “too dumb” to get an id, that’s a stupid distraction to try to pretend your advocating for black peoples while pushing a policy that hurts them. IDs were chosen specifically because a larger portion of black people don’t have one, and for perfectly good reasons. 


It is statistically proven that communities of color experience worse air pollution. Wind doesn’t matter when your peoples community was redlined into the shadow of a coal plant


I make no assumptions and I assign no blame.

I don’t care about blame. I am asking two simple questions. Are black people in America disadvantaged? And should something be done? The answer to both is yes. If you want to feel defensive about that that’s on you, I don’t care. 

Now, you’ve launched a whole cavalcade of right wing talking point nonsense. I don’t have the time or inclination to explain why that rambling paragraph is wrong. All ill say is: making multiple points implying black people are of lower moral character then desperately trying to regain the high ground by saying you are actually the one who respects black people is sad.

Alright so there’s a lot wrong with what you just said. Let’s start with the easiest part to disprove, life expectancy. 

There a couple of African countries ( like Algeria, Tunisia, Libya) and several Caribbean nations (like the Dominican Republic) that all have higher life expectancy than black folks in America. 

But here’s the thing: your whole point is a completely distraction when it comes to discussing racism in America, because comparing black folks here with countries you might call black is completely meaningless. You just want to make a weird, incorrect “see, we take care of our blacks just fine!” point. 

The fact is, there are serious discrepancies between the economic realities of black people and white people in the United States. I talk about the United States because that’s what the prompt was about. Saying “you might be at the bottom of our ladder, but look at how much higher our ladder is than those poor countries!” Is utterly absurd, especially when you consider that a lot of Americas wealth is based on pulling money and resources OUT of poor nations like those across Africa. 

But you’re missing the point. You can have a racist system without any of the people who make up that system being racists. 

For one thing, yes there absolutely are racist laws still on the books. That’s why felons can’t vote and why voter id laws are still being fought over. 

But for another thing, we aren’t just talking about laws on the books are specific government policies. The effects of white supremacy can be found in health care, schools, housing, hiring practices in every industry, interactions with police, ect. 

Black neighborhoods are in areas with higher air pollution. While people and black people in this country literally don’t breathe the same air. 

There is racism everywhere in this country. To wave your hand and say it’s all just a relic of the past ignores the very serious, ongoing damage being done both by systems that still have old prejudices ingrained in them AND the continued push by those who wish to further white supremacist beliefs. 

Give me two examples of a person whose entire life was destroyed by a mere public accusation of racism. If it’s that easy it must happen all the time, but just give me two examples please. 

lol, what are you in middle school? Or are you the type to brag on Facebook about going to the ‘school of hard knocks’?

But that’s the same thing. 

If you recognize that black people in this country are disadvantaged compared to white people, than you are recognizing that white supremacy exists here. You might disagree with the harshness of the language, but you agree with the meaning