You know what? Make it a double. Little Pudge is such a hungry fella today

:cammy: CID | SF6username

Akuma. Many think him a villain, but he looks cool, so he's the protagonist in my heart

I remember my very first game was back in 2014 I believe. Played morphling cause he looked cool, went 1/15 and lost against medium bots. For those wondering my morphling has not gotten any better a decade later :)

Removes the initial damage, but spreads again. Leads to a crazy amount of total damage and slow time.

Compared to gacha games where opening chests/boxes/etc give you game pieces that allow for different builds or new experiences, tft does not offer any gameplay changes through monetization. Game is free and if you want cosmetics or to support the game, go for it. I dont think tft needs to give anything out for f2p since the things they would give arent worth anything. It's the only way they make money

I have to imagine if they took the time now to develop a tft standalone client, they would just release it with vanguard ties since its already rolled out into valorant and league. Makes sense for consistency

Decks are just 99 card hulk piles

People can have their own take about what the accurate description of the pod is, but its funny how rather than answer the question, people have a primal urge to tell them how its not cedh

Tried watching dishsoap live recently and he was just screaming very loudly because someone else took what he wanted on carousel. I know hes a great player, but really felt like 10yo behavior

Started playing at ~10yo, 24 now and just hit 1800 for the first time. Was really fun, but pvp is crazy hectic. Love jamming a bg or arena for fun, but climbing for the first time was very eye-opening and rewarding

I have never invested into the hardcore journey, but i died after reaching max level idk if i could keep it together

So if they had a reasonable amount of pressure, they could apply outside of cooldowns, their current burst and utility might be enough to make them more viable? I havent picked up pvp in s4 yet, but in s3 as an arms warrior i felt like i had good burst but also was threatening outside of cd's. Love your flair btw

If you dont mind elaborating, what are the main concerns with fdk? Never played it, dont see it in my games, and if more damage cant help them, what difficulties do they face in current patch?

Love to see high rank goofsters. "Ive had my wins, time for fun"

Decks are just 99 card hulk piles

I feel like a minority in this topic. I lean heavily into no takebacks at all and will play as though every declaration is final, but also i understand it causing frustration. For my friend group, people know my position, but we still openly discuss whether or not to allow rollbacks based on the unique circumstance. Im a stickler since i find value in "gotcha" of stax pieces. If i have a stranglehold and you pass priority with your tutor on the stack, im reminding you about it after we all pass prio, but I'm not asking if you want to cast something else. Fully expect to be downvoted for this, but at the end of the day, just have healthy discussions with the table to find a middleground.

Decks are just 99 card hulk piles

T/K pilot dodges interaction with this one quick trick! Cedh players hate him!!

Also good resource, thanks for sharing

So nice to see a great breakdown of p4DP followed by some wholesome appreciation. This is the ideal dota2 community

They technically do, but units that are very clearly intended to be AD units are matched with abyssmal ap scaling. For kayn i think its a 60% ap ratio but the ad is like 250. All units can make use of it so that thingsblike teamwide ap dont feel useless, but its pretty close to useless on the right units

Decks are just 99 card hulk piles

Would absolutely suggest you have a stax deck at the table. It makes games more interesting for players to have the opportunity to navigate around hate/distuption and protecting your opponents disruption because its preventing someone elses win is a cool dynamic. Second I would recommend a blue deck with a lot of permission. People reading that line may laugh but my buddies ended up not having a blue deck in the pod for a while and having no stack police present made games horribly volitile. Last 2 slots i would do something top of meta so everyone can practice against common lines and playing strong decks is still quite fun. Our pod is usually tayam, tymna/kraum, grixis, and blood pod (heavy on the stax but i will never stop playing tayam. I am an addict)

The song of my people.

(The bard forcers)

For someone with a username that seems derived from tyler1, this is such a calm and understanding take. The evolution of him, perhaps?