yep vapes were the solution to the tobacco industry's problem of killing their customers. They solved it in a way that still allows people to consume nicotine.

yeh I had the wand induction heater in my cart at leafhouse ready to buy this week.

Why should old mate who cares about his customers and his patients, who also has the expertise and knowledge to help many people through the transition from smoking to vaping be replaced with a pharmacist??

Dont these people deserve a chance at employment and making a living off something they clearly enjoy?

Pharmacists have already said they don't want this and dont want to become vape retailers, why not let the people who actually do want to do it?

i really hope VerdaVap can continue somehow, he was making real progress. With enough time and experience he could've been competing with the top vape companies. Honestly such a shame to see an Aussie business with so much potential getting cut down by legislation so early in their career

Yeh I get his point, it wasn't written very well and he's correct because everyone has different needs and looking for different things in a vape.

I'd say ball vapes are definately the hardest hitting though and are the best for anyone looking for a heavy hitter.

!remindme 1 month

$DOOGLE going to Billie's easy

Definitely recommend getting a ball vape, I got a few and they're currently 100% the best vape you can get.

I just got a dynavap because I was looking for a portable way to vape flower when I'm not at home. Im using a torch which is ok for now but was planning to get an induction heater asap

Polythia would be pretty awesome. Just seeing how Ren handles playing guitar on a track with another guitarist like Tim Henson would be super interesting

I'll have to wait till the next batch but can't wait to try one now after seeing everyone get theirs from batch 1.

Wait don't you have the CH handle screws in opposite corners??

Damn, I just bought my first dynavap and was planning on getting an induction heater this week

I mean it's only weed.

I know it's a joke but I stopped talking to my best friend in high school because he smoked the buds we went halves in (smoked it with another mutual friend). We graduated a few weeks later and lost contact over a few grams of weed which really sucks thinking about it now years later.


Doogle is on a mission to join the legendary boy's club with Pepe, Brett, Andy, and Landwolf.

Potential $1b+ project

That's terrible, the Poor's around here will just snarl at you a little, but if you give them a spare sock they'll normally leave you alone

did you make other suggestions though?

seems like you just let the doctor pick what they thought was best, and Aurora products are really a good choice in that situation, especially from the doctors perspective. They already know there will be no problems with quality or stock issues, sounds like the doctor done you good actually.

Its got nothing to do with kickbacks, the MedReleaf doctors are simply just more familiar with Aurora.

MedReleaf have always leaned towards Aurora and Indimed products only because, like your comment suggests, the Doctors know exactly what they are prescribing, and you really can't go wrong with them. They're some of the best quality and best value around so they will suit nearly all patients looking for quality and/or value.

They have no problems suggesting other brands when suitable or prescribing any other brand you suggest, but if you're asking them what they suggest, there's a chance it will be an Indimed or Aurora product, simply because they know those products better and can confidently prescribe them.

Would be great to see bovedas inside Aurora and IndiMed products.

They're the same as the new Aurora carts, pretty sure I've seen a review for them in here if search for it.

They're using CO2 extraction to produce resin and It's the same proprietary extraction technique as the Sedeprem and rex carts so if it's on par with those I'll be super impressed for the price.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are, IndiMed is one of the only companies delivering high quality products for a concession price. Will 100% be getting these at my next appointment.

Yeh sorry, I did genuinely miss that first caption.

It does change the context completely and agree it's a bad a video to post

Yeh sorry, my mistake, I actually legit missed that first caption. That does indeed make it more intentional and a pretty shitty thing to post.

Faking what though?

She never said in the video that she has Autism. This is just what she does between sets.

Reddit added the fake autism spin on it just so they could get offended and have something to Reddit about