Hi! I’m new to the whole poly thing and started looking here for some insights. My wife and I are married for 12 years and have 2 kids (11&9). When we started dating I knew that she was bisexual and had had a relationship with a woman in the past. Early on in our relationship we had a threesome with another woman and I loved it and also fantasized about repeating it in the future. A couple of month ago my wife dropped the polybomb, basically telling me that she had feelings for another man and would want to kiss and date him. I was unprepared and in shock. Next day we talked about it a little more and this helped, even though I didn’t quite agree. After that she went to her friends to tell him what she told me and spent some time. It was the first time in years I cried really hard. My feelings at the time were:

am I not good enough in bed? I stood through all of this, 2 births, miscarriage and so on to be replaced like this. I will die alone.

I was hurt and I told her about my feelings in a way I probably hadn’t done in any relationship so far. This helped a lot and she did understand. She told me that she wouldn’t persue it if I am against it, but also that she is happy with our marriage and that she loves me and would never leave me. I told her that I need some time to process this and that she could still meet with her friend but I would feel more secure if she would do it in public places. It felt as if a weight was lifted off of her and also that we as a couple had found a new level of communication. After a couple of weeks continuing like before but with more openness, I told her that I would be fine with it if we put up some rules. 1. Family always comes first 2. We won’t tell the kids (one of them is emotionally unstable) 3. She needed to get on birth control (we were talking about this before, for medical reasons and we did not want a third child since we are 40ish and don’t want to risk anything. 4. We are honest with one another 5. We are transparent and discuss any next step when we reach it

My thoughts on this and the reasons why I opened up our marriage is: - I know she will not leave me for another man as long as the children are not adults since we have a lot of friends that are children of divorce and most of them are still struggling because of that in their 30s - if I won’t let her do it now she will probably do it in 10 years when the kids have moved out - by that time she might resent me for it and leave me, so in the end I would be alone - since our communication improved already by it I was curious to see what else would - I understand that she enjoys the time of just being an adult without kids in close proximity - I also know that it helps her to talk about everything to a person she loves and has no shared responsibility with

We continued and everything went well. A couple of weeks later, she asked me if it would be ok if she kissed him because she really longed for it. I slept on it and told her the next day that I’m fine with it. Our relationship blossomed and so did our intimacy. A couple of weeks later she asked if she could stay over night and again after a night of sleep I told her that I’m fine with it. I knew nothing was going to happen because I trust her to ask me first. My wife will always make sure I’m ok before she leaves to go to him and gives me extra attention to make it easier for me (not because I ask her to) A couple of weeks later she asked me in advance if it would be okay if she would go on a 2 day vacation with him. At first I was reluctant and a little evasive. This time it took me a week to think about it and to make up my mind. I told her that she could do it and also that I would be fine if they had sex as long as they use condoms (as a secondary contraceptive). I offered it because I knew how hard this question would come to her. Her mind was blown and she was really happy. So that’s where we are at the moment.

I’m still only interested in a relationship with my wife and don’t have time between my job, kids and hobbies to romance anyone else. I know her secondary partner and we sometimes hang out, have a barbecue, play games and so on.