Second this. Watch Winter House but there is absolutely no need to watch SC.

Okay but does she actually think OBJ would go for a woman that had already had sex with his younger brother?? Like ???? Like wouldn’t she be better off coupling up with someone else but befriending Kordell in the meantime? The math ain’t mathing.

I hate to say this but I think Daniela and Aaron are a better match than Aaron and Kaylor.

You overestimate men and their ability to think logically.

I like them both separately and together, and Nicole has really grown on me. However, something seemed off in their post-dumping chat last episode. Maybe it’s just something about the way Kendall laughs, but it just seemed a bit forced or unnatural. I can’t quite put my finger on what it was. I’m not sure if Kendall never 100% got over Nicole’s interest in Miguel, even though she eventually came back? Kendall did make a comment to one of the guys early on that he sees Nicole as his potential future wife, so I think he is serious about her but something is irking me and I can’t quite figure out what it is. I hope I’m wrong and it was just a weird moment.

I suspect she didn’t actually understand what he saying lol. Not sure she heard “oil rig”…his accent is pretty thick.

The Casa girls saying their “kitties were purring” when they saw the guys 🤢🤮

Obsessed with Ariana’s striped dress. She looks amazing!

Anyone notice when Kaylor said something to Aaron like “are you happy?” during the dumping when Rob was getting votes. It may have been spliced by producers into a different spot but it just felt gross in that tense moment.

It’s not that serious guys! It’s a silly reality dating show!

Lol exactly. People are acting like we should judge reality show contestants based on how good of people they are. Reality is people find Leah entertaining whether she’s wrong or right or a “good person”. It’s like this with any reality show…most of them are questionable people lol.

agreed but it won’t even be drama because they won’t be a proper couple.

Lol this is exactly what I said “this isn’t the American prison system Rob!”

I have to wonder if the result would’ve been the same if Kaylie and Liv hadn’t found out right before this that Nicole kissed Miguel and was interested in getting to know him. She’s lucky that discussion happened when it did!

Edit: I meant Kaylor (weird autocorrect)

I think they mean having her come back at Casa Amit or something.

In season 3 of UK, Jess got voted out and Dom didn’t. She encouraged him to stay, he made it all the way through Casa Amor only being in friendship couples and then left and now they’re married.

This is the most entertaining and dramatic dumping ever.

Okay but we need to stop overusing the term gaslighting. I like JaNa as much as the next person, but Leah didn’t gaslight her.

Yes well that’s what happens when everyone hates a couple…