Ok it makes sense IF the players or even clubs had any influence here, but in reality they dont. Rubiales was head of RFEF not La Liga. Players influencing his position is a long shot

I'm having a hard time understanding this...

What is in it for Rubiales? Pique is a business partner I understand. But why would he put himself at risk for Messi.

Even if we assume Rubiales is simply stupid and corrupt and does not need a motive to do the wrong thing. Why would pique and messi think it is ok to ask the head of UEFA itself to help them embezzle funds from his own organization? What good would that do to him.

I mean going to La Liga (ok maybe not La liga because Tebas would definitely blackmail them) or any other entity/sponsor invested in keeping Pique and Messi happy makes much more sense... UEFA or Cefrin have no reason to do this.

If the premier league had any intention of doing anything they would have found a way to do so. If it is clearly stated in the rules that they must provide information, then there must be a penalty for not following the rules. Apply that penalty, and let city fight it in the courts, just like everton did. What is happening right now, is that the league gets to act like they tried to do something, and city gets to smother any news about it, and it ends up being a win-win for both.

Neither of them were as well-ran as madrid now. They had stellar first 11's, with a couple of good subs. The current madrid team takes it a level above. Second string players are as good as first team players. The team was ravaged with injuries and still breezed through the season. Renovated stadium. No debts. Still piling on more players.

But I agree with your point that once Florentino is out of the picture, things will change in the blink of an eye.

That's what is funny about this. Whether De Ligts goal was counted or not, there was an extremely high chance, that bayern would concede again.

Yeah I dont know what this guy is on. The way the game was going Bayern would've conceded the third goal in no time.

Come on man, the man's name must be Muslim, it was right there for you...

الشركة مؤسسها لبناني ورئيس الشركة التنفيذي الحالي هو ابنه تطبيق شروط وقوانين السعودة والالتزام بها تلوم عليها الجهات الرقابية وليس جهة العمل، هذا اذا افترضنا انه فعلا في عدم التزام بالقوانين

His best performances for barca were after barca's fans started to boo him when he was about to let his contract run out.

Yes... Rile up the best player in la liga a few days before your team plays against him in the most important match of the season. Really smart.

I'd say praising queen Elizabeth is a magnanimous suggestion that he is funded by the UK

Plus, he almost never talks about fiqh, theology, or anything else, it's just the same talking points which aim to sow discord over and over again. I'd say this is pretty telling of what he aims to achieve.

Yes, I'm not denying any of it, the club did support him, does not mean he is in debt to us forever. He was the epitome of sometimes good sometimes shit. He was there for 6 years, it was very clear that there is no way for him forward with barca, he was never going to be reliable as the main man in the team with how injury prone he is. Him leaving was for the best of both parties. To me, it ended amicably.

Really? Despite all his flaws, I feel like he left on good terms. In his last year he restored my faith in the stupidity of humanity when he let his contract run out then renewed with a lower salary, and got sold for 50 mil a year later which is much more than his worth. I honestly harbor no ill will to him as a barca fan, even if he celebrated in front of our fans. Remember that he was once whistled at by our fans.

Are doctors responsible for players' fitness? Then what does the physiotherapists/ fitness coaches do? I thought the doctor's role stops at treatment of injuries.

Not hidden away, just not recognized by anyone except a select few.

Minor correction, Imam Mahdi is already in earth. There is no descent, only 'appearance'

We all know atletico can play if they wanted to. The problem is they rarely do. Tonights game is an exception because you faced the OG football terrorists.

Out layers do not change the trend

They weren't spared either. Pep was deemed a failure for starting the season with a loss and a draw. And Luis was struggling for 6 months trying to show he is strong and can bench messi and suarez.