Is anyone hearig that when she's punching him on the ground someone is calling out her attacks like a street fighter game😂

I'd go for bones, i always think those are awesome

For real, he experienced all of that and somehow thought it a great idea to star on his own show, indirectly reliving all that trauma. Pretty good/weird show but that man is wicked as can be imo

Hahahah😂 why tho? How would you prefer it sounds?

But no one was counting tho. They only counted how many points he needed to win.

How'd you find this tho? Wtf kinda search engine did you use?

Wish it did sound like this tho dafuq, she's bout it

Indeed, fk useless. I think they really missed out on that part. I would've wanted to see Boruto actually train with his sensei. Wanted that for Naruto as well but that barely happened.

Well damn, in the court of law maybe. But i still see them as pedo's. Who tf goes around fucking minors cus its legal?

Appreciate the info tho

You gotta remember he was shunned by the people of Konoha as well. Although they knew he was a victim, no one treated him with actual care. So the village that cost his families life also abandoned him. This would make Sasuke think no one cared that the Uchiha got wiped out.

The godhand holding a behelit from Berserk, shown in the berserk 97 anime

One of the girls he was with was 16, admitted to it and he streamed himself sleeping next to her. Her dad confirmed it.

Matter of fact, here. Since you'd rather believe the yapping out here.

Edit: actual clips with proof

Search for it on youtube, they both admitted to it openly. They even had multiple streams where they asked girls for ID and found out they were minors but still kept kissing them and all that. See for yourself, yiu could've already checked tbh