The fact that he took that freekick from an unfavorable angle and smashed it directly into the wall when it was better served to whip in a cross just shows what a selfish individual he is. You can see why he is compared to homelander, the guy is full of himself.

I admit I don't like Ronaldo, he is narcissistic and a hypocrite. But that is low from bbc, I expect that kind of thing from Instagram and Twitter trolls rather than a large organisation like the BBC.

Is defending really broken?Discussion

Daily there has been like 10+ rant about defending. I for one like the new defending mechanism, it challenges you in a different way. There needs to be lot more thinking and intelligent decision making while defending. I like that they have tone down the interception, it is refreshing to see attackers not constantly intercept like Makelele and Kante.

What are your thoughts?

Bro can't defend for shit.

Ya, now every player can't intercept like prime Maldini.

I mean just who would you take for your team

Exactly. Accept it or fuck off so we can focus on other targets

Seriously I don't want him if he's this insistent on move to Barca

He's so self absorbed and full of himself.

Shut it , you egotistical faggot

That's not the point here, for sure most of the people probably didn't knew about Albert Ferrer .But the Op is accusing "95%" of the people not knowing about "90%" of the IM players beforehand , even you know that's total bullshit

You're so full of yourselves aren't you. All the players are football fans here , I'm pretty they would know most of the legends and iconics even if not all