Paradoxes by their very nature are impossible to understand fully.

Cole exists because of time travel, which exists because of Cole.

Jones didn't use Logic in the end she made a choice to save someone that she loved, which of course echoes her reason to create Time Travel in the first place.

That will still happen, in some form, Ruby just aborted the one timeline.

Did they steal the belts that *don't* suck?

(This is just a joke)

There's losing badly, and then there's Losing Badly on purpose and claiming it as a win.

Time Lords are *such* dicks.

Cole is the paradox, everything that happens in the show is his ultimate origin story.

Once he's gone from time everything "resets" and time travel can no longer exist, and neither can the consequences.

Hannah survived because she was born into a world able to identify and resolve her issues.

Cole's survival in the final episode does allow Time Travel to exist, but the only people who could do that would just not do it again.

If he and Cassie have more kids though... that could be a problem.

He was so good last year, straight-up Pantomime villain stuff.

If someone said I'd be a JJ fan 5 years ago, I'd have laughed at them.

I woulda been wrong!

It was, but the Cult Of Skaro took it into the Void to use as a survival tool instead.

I have less issue with it than Clark Kent being attracted to Human Women.

The TMNT are part human, at least!

Bang it in the freezer for a few hours, then leave to come up to room temp.

That usually unsticks stubborn joints for me!

Depending on your stance on Canon, yes he does.

Even if you don't count deleted scenes, The Doctor would have told him.

The Doctor would take responsibility.

This aren't continuity errors or plot points, there's no answer, and it doesn't matter to the film in the *slightest*.

Let's say the DeLorean dropped into a tree, or the Flight System had an emergency landing safety option, or there was a little hill so it only dropped 2 inch, does that solve the problem?

No, because there is no solving it, and it doesn't matter.

10 and 11 definitely at least made out in The Day Of The Doctor, 14 topping 11? OK, I guess?

It replaces 122 Leadenhall Street in our world.

Booking Charges are 100% BS these days, we do all the work and the computers do the allocation.

It should be criminal, but we live in stupid world.

A war in time, from our Human 3(ish) dimensional perception, wouldn't make any sense at all.

A billion billion alternate aborted universes with their pasts and futures collapsing and being re-written moment-to-moment on the whims and needs of the belligerents.

All we can really understand is that in the end it came down to the Time Lords of Gallifrey and the Daleks and The Time Lords were losing, badly.

The Doctor(s) ended the Time War by effectively destroying both parties, leaving only 2 survivors.

The Daleks managed to survive by hiding the Dalek Ark in the space between universes, Gallifrey survived thanks to The Doctor(s) and also eventually returned.

The Master then killed all of Gallifrey after learning of the Timeless Child.

The effects of the Time War are remembered only slightly, it happened and the higher races remember it. The Lower races (including humans) have vague memories and legends of the events.

I headcanon Unit Dating as scarring from the Time War, but YMMV.