As someone with OCD I find it really hard to watch a show (especially doctor who) without worrying over the mechanics.

Now I just finished watching asylum of the Daleks and we see Daleks that existed before the time war and I have heard that in the shows future the doctor will come across Daleks that existed before the time war and apparently time lords in 13’s era. What really confuses me is all the post online saying the time lords and Daleks were wiped from history when they died, is this definite or is it speculation? Cause it would make sense that only the time lords in the time war died therefore stopping their future development and events that led up to the time war still stand. That was my thoughts but my theory is a little confusing when I try and picture how species in the universe know time lords are dead, how are the effects of the time war apparent?

What is everyone’s thoughts, how do you perceive it, did the time lords and Daleks die all throughout time?