If I could 3D print myself a anime gun wall.... I probably would put that on it.

Of course I would have to have a Dominator too... Preferably in Destroy Decomposer mode...

Suck it up princess. Once you make it to the top and get the sightseeing point, you have to leap off just so to land on the lightpost for the other one. Miss it and its back up you go again. ; p

And if you want the best view from the top, you want to make it up BEFORE you beat stormblood. They parked the big ugly FF Tactics raid right in the middle of the skyline. (as if an airship couldn't tread water and put it in the bay properly over by the Eureka entrance.)

Incidentally, you might be able to blow yourself up as a blue mage and some kind hearted soul could rez u up the tower or up onto the lamp. But if you want up the tower you have to get into proper range depending how far up the tower you want boosted (that or wait till the brush with death timer expires so you can suicide/rez warp again).

But its good policy to tip well if someone does that for you. Personally I would either watch a couple videos of people doing it to get the idea of how to, or see if you can get u another player to guide you up.

Getting comfortable with Kugane tower means moonfire tower (coming soon) and leap will be cake.

Congrats to the tanks. You have to give credit to someone who can manage to keep themselves alive without heals and do 30% damage to a boss while sync'd, especially since I imagine there were tank busters and other unavoidables during this fight.

How far along in the game was this? Were the healers new to the trial? Did anyone say in chat "you guys should just die so we can restart cause it would be faster"?

Cause if people just sat and watched the whole time in silence, that's on them. If the healers came in blind and dumb, then it's on them. If this is later game and they were lacking in heals, it's still on them.

This sort of thing is why I would like to see them give paladins a rez even if they had to die or something as a cost plus a 10 minute cooldown. 2 tanks could turn into a tank and a healer, then a tank and 2 healers, and next thing you know the party is back alive. (If the healers are worth anything, which in situations like this, they might not be.)

The party crawling back out of hell and finishing the boss is always satisfying.

And if what I heard is right it will also block all the characters on their accounts, so block one, remove 7 more free.

I feel like there should be an achievement or 2 (or 3) for finding him out in the wild. Like a seasonal one, and like 2 or 3 more for finding him in like 10/20/30 other locations and new locations with every expansion.

It would be fun to see where they would work him into being.

You need anywhere from like 15 up to 500 (or more) depending what you want to enact with them.

I personally thought it would be neat to have them through the house doing various things.

Chef hat and apron wearing one holding a "sheet pan with cookies (or a turkey)" in the kitchen. OR looking in a mini-fridge on top of the actual fridge as if they were foraging for snacks.

Reading a newspaper while on toilet in bathroom, another with "shower cap" in mini shower washing off.

In mini bed covered up wearing nightcap in bedroom.

Typing at mini-computer desk beside monitor.

Kicked back on mini-recliner with mini "beer" and "snacks" facing tv in living room.

You know, give the feeling that I am actually co-habituating with a legion of tiny robots


Free trial can't have retainers though.
I guess we both have holes in our logic lol.

You only made 1?

Not 4 or 5?

How can you pose up scenes like "Hero surrounded by ninjas on all sides." with only 1?

In my experience, expect no sympathy from many of the FF14 players on reddit, but I imagine you are seeing that for yourself already.

Since you can't marketboard, or trade for gear, sadly the last solution is to craft your own.
The fast way to manage to level is to do the daily turn ins to your GC every day. Dropping off a HQ product for an in demand (will have a little star on it) item will net you a couple of level ups each time at the start. If you browse back far enough u will run into posts by people showing off their level 90 fishing, and the fact they haven't ever caught a single fish... thats how they did that.

The downside is that you also don't have access to retainers so inventory/armory space is going to be a issue, u aren't going to be able to level everything up at once easily and sooner than later recipes will require you to craft components u can't get otherwise without the Marketboard.

Personally I also don't understand why SE didn't have the vendors in the Alliance cities just sell all the equipment from level 1-90 (or 88 as it was). Its one thing is its gear from the Far East being imported a world away, but you would think HW gear would be available since its the nation next door....

I don't disagree with SE doing this, but they needed to have it so ilevel was at least based on what you had unlocked.

I mean, if I am a level 90 paladin in the middle of Stormblood (I actually was level 90 pally in the middle of stormblood once upon a time, thank you endless prae running during moogle tome events) and I am wearing level 64 gear, there shouldn't be anything stopping me from running anything if I only have Crystal tower and Sky Pirates unlocked anyway. You can't access the next raid series until AFTER stormblood, so why put a restriction in place that doesn't matter?

I have met people who would kill the get the washer in those pictures and I would happily injure someone for that black bedframe myself.

Its only 124 years old. That sort of thing is common around here. Whats real sad is that I have seen houses around here in about the same (or worse) shape priced higher.

Sadly its a checklist of things to worry about like lead paint and so on at that age. /sigh

Still, love the price and character it has.

Something in the nature of magic erasers make them like that. I used some magic erasers on some ghost marks on my walls (like when you take a picture off the wall after 10 years and there is a outline) and it actually dulled the sheen of the paint if I worked it too hard.

I honestly felt like it scrubbed them off just shy of sanding the surface. Maybe its like 4000 grit sandpaper, not aggressive at that level but still takes stuff off.


First of all, Valspar Cabinet and Furniture paint is great stuff, I know a couple people who have used it and I got my hands on a gallon cheap and I am dying to put it to good use. Its totally worth the money you spend on it. Dude at our local Lowes said they sell tons of it and nobody complains about it ("they might hate the color they picked but they love the paint" are his exact words).

Valspar Cabinet and furniture paint is water based oiled enriched, which means it has extra durability like how oil paint use to have, while also cleaning up with soap and water. A light coat followed by a proper second coat tends to give a delightful finish, but this stuff also tends to level more like oil paint use to, and I have heard if you lay things flat and coat them it tends to come out nicer vs painting a vertical surface. It does not require a topcoat, the label is correct, and I have seen that paint handle some aggressive handling and look alright. But it is paint, the kinder you are to it, the longer it will last between recoatings.

The downside with topcoating it is because its oil enriched it will bead water, so something like polycrylic (water based topcoat, which isn't as durable as oil based top coats) might not turn out great BUT oil based topcoats AMBER with age. So if you put a coat of poly over something, like lets say white, then the poly will get a golden haze to it with age, its something that makes old wood furniture look lovely if you are into that sort of thing, but not so great if you don't want you white paint to take on a smoker's white kinda look, and you can imagine how that might affect other colors...

They do make water based oil enriched clear coats, I think minwax has a triple thick poly that is like that so it is low ambering (notice I said "low" not "no") I believe. I think they also use to have a water based oil enriched spar urathane (good for stuff going outside, or getting used roughly).

Something else to consider is clear shellac, lowes sells quarts of that also, and it is suppose to stick to water or oil based paints just fine let alone water-based oil enriched paint. I have seen some put on paint and was still good and clear after like 6 months, but a quick google to confirm said wood can darken over time. UV doesn't affect it, but that might not apply to the paint UNDER the shellac...

But if it was me. I would skip the topcoat.

New optional 5-person dungeons starting at level 90/100 maybe?

I haven't poked those dungeons they added for Endwalker that can be solo'd or ran with others, but maybe the same idea, make them scale depending on the party attempting them, so they are hard enough to be challenging, but not impossible to do alone. (The Lunar games did something like that, it was great.)

Making them qualify as DPS in older content would probably work. Boosting the other roles to pick up what slack it would end up putting down wouldn't be a bad thing. If healers had to heal less cause their heals were boosted they could dps more, if tanks could do more damage, or cooldown were reduced so the other dps could attack more often, or MP regenerated faster so everybody could keep up the pace a little longer.

And I have to say I love the whole echo of "The 'useless' supporter that made the party invincible was kicked out of the group" genre feeling is delightful.

Wouldn't be the first time... and some additions to the roles wouldn't be bad anyway.

I mean I would like a AOE provoke as a tank. I like to envision it as yelling "Which of you candy@$$es want a piece of me first?" vs looking at one target and yelling "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

Besides, how they gonna do things after Dawntrail? If they have plans to level squish or rework things, that would be a good time to rework that much more...

I don't disagree about this, having a "Support" role, then having a Support-Tank (Pally?, idk, seems like it needs MORE support features that grant defense possibly (?), but has potential as the role), Support-Healer (Astro?, idk, they are kinda Healer-Support than Support-Healer), Support-DPS (which is Bard obviously), and Pure-Support (Hello Time Mage).

Basically have each version focus on its particular jam (support defense buffs defense, support dps buffs attack, support heal grants buffs that heal (grants short term bloodbath for example) or boosts healing, and the pure support would dabble in all (Haste boosts natural regeneration rate, increases attack rate, boosts evasion improves MP regeneration, idk).

But Chemist would/could be a good Pure Support role

You are a horrible, terrible person and I love it.

For their sake, I hope you never get a mouse problem.

Making it with some caster wheels probably wouldn't be a horrible idea.

I just want to comment about your table setup. It must be impossible to move but it certainly is interesting.

I am on team "why not both?".

My official statement about hoarding is: "It isn't hoarding if its organized."

Of course it pays to roll through every so often and rotate your stock. It pays to immediately use, sell, gift, or dispose of any material that can be replaced with better stock.

But if you have a ton of stuff that you are primarily just looking at and adding to, you are hoarding and need to cut things to a minimum. Turn the materials into something simple and desirable, sell them to the masses, and therefor convert them into money which can be exchanged for other items you might need at a later date.

I suppose you could get a larger pipe and insulate inside, or possibly apply some insulation to the outside, or both.

But I guess if it was too big, u kinda defeat the idea of having a tiny house. Now a shelter against natural disasters is a different subject.


Just better for some types of disasters not all.

Print it life sized out of concrete and entitle it "To Boldly Go..."